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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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Hey TTN, When I go to your project I can see three links in total: two links with the github icon (first & fifth links)and one with the other/star icon (sixth link).
Hi, I was (and still am) seeing the same thing in Firefox but not in Chrome. Initially I though my Firefox installation was broken because it was also misbehaving in other ways at that time. But since other users still seem to experience this (recent comment on #Laser Cut Mini Mill) I think it may be linked to Firefox (35.0.1 on Windows in my case). Hope this helps
Just curious, what is the hacker list sorting algorithm, when "sort by influence" (default) is selected? It was something like rank = A*number_of_projects + B*number_of_followers before, where A and B are some constants. Somehow I don't understand the new sorting.
By the way, 3 months ago I reported nothing regarding my own projects (comments, skulls, followers) in my feed, though visible in global feed. Any news regarding this?
Hey jaromir,
The new ranking algorithm (still work-in-progress and will likely change couple more times before stable) is graph-based, pretty much along the lines of Google PageRank - recursively defined as a function of scores of people that follow given user, etc. We're working on a new iteration that incorporates (and puts more weight on) user's projects and related activity. Once we converge to a "stable" solution that we like - we'll publish all the implementation details.
Regarding the personal projects not showing up in "my feed" - we're looking at it and will queue up the fix for the next release.
That's interesting info, thanks.
Regarding the "my feed" issue, it's fixed right now. Thank you all for your support.
[question] [component list]
If I type "foo" in the first line of a component entry and press [tab], the second line fills with "Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components" and whatever I type goes after that. If I type "RTC" (referring to a real-time clock) in the first line, the second line fills with "Potentiometers, Trimmers, Variable Resistors / Potentiometers". What's going on here?
Hello PointyOintment, we try to suggest suitable descriptions, but depending on what you enter it doesn't always match. You can just edit it yourself.
How about a minor edit flag/mode for typo's and forgotten additions that don't generate feeds/triggers etc?
We're working on getting rid of the duplicate updates in the feed, but a minor edit flag is a good idea too.
We just added this feature. You can now edit away on logs and details and stop it from updating the feed.
[this comment has been deleted]
Hi Aleksandar--this seems to still be an issue, view counts are stuck for long periods of time (at least, that's what it looks like). Is this still on the calendar for a fix?
Hey zakqwy,
Sorry about that. It's definitely on the calendar but got stuck in a queue for too long. Will try to push and see if we can get something out by the end of the month.
No rush--glad it's still on your radar. By the way, I got an email notification that you'd replied to this comment, but when I clicked "check it out" I was taken to the first discussion page and had to click over a few times to get to page=4. Any way to make that happen automatically when someone clicks "check it out"? Some kind of comment permalink?
Yeah, just noticed that too :) It got broken after we added pagination to comments section. Filing a bug now. Should be resolved next week.
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Project page links for network type Github won't work on my page. Setting the link as network "other" works fine. When network is set to "Github" the links simply won't show. There seems to be place holder of sort, but no visible link.
EDIT: btw admins, I have added the link to the github page twice, once as network type github, again as type 'other', so only one link is showing where there should be two. Just clarifying in case you overlooked it as it might look like it is working because there is a link to github. The link is set to network type github and isn't showing.