All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
Bugs, Feature Requests, Wishlists
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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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In the messages, in particularly the conversations, new messages I (and others) post show up marked as "in 5 minutes" after posting. Either it's a bug in the time zone offset for UTC+1, or I'm living 5 minutes in the future. This bug sometimes disappears during the day, then reappears in the morning.
The community newsletter shows day of week instead of month.
Monday 7, 2016 instead of March 7, 2016 or even Monday March 7, 2016.
on the links to "NOW ON HACKADAY.IO" are all failing, it looks like the URL has spaces(%20) instead of dashes
I found a bug, the little nav bar on my profile page that shows:
It seems to max out at 18 for "FOLLOWING" - I am following way more than 18 projects but it only shows how many are currently visible not my total number (you have to press view more to see the rest).
Love Hackaday - but I absolutely HATE the page colour scheme. Some of the text I can only read by using CTRL-A to select everything. Please, do something about it. It seriously puts me off reading anything here.
Hey, I jsut tried it - that helps to see secret hidden messages on the page!
On the overview site of your projects ( groups would be nice. So that you can organize your own project in self defined groups.
I'm trying to re-claim my old project, but it looks like it's not owned by me, even tho i have recovered my password?
Julia Longtin -- Microwave Aluminium Printing
I tried to use the project files feature to provide a fritzing pcb schematic, but it wouldn't allow uploading it, even though it's technically a simple zip file.
Hmm, that's weird, I just tried it again, and it worked this time. Sorry for the noise.
I'd love to see "Download all files as single zip" when there are multiple files enclosed into project. Downloading more than dozen of files manually is pain in the S.
Hey, thanks for the awesome site! One issue I came across is that when you paste HTML into a project log, it'll display in the editor (For example, an iframe embed from 123Circuits). Though, when you publish the log, it will be cut from the log. If HTML is going to be filtered, I'd recommend that you don't allow HTML to be pasted into the editor. Also, this issue occurs in the discussion box I am typing this comment in.
I look forward to meeting you, learning from you and sharing my work.
Hey everyone! All of us who work on this site are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help make the site improve every day!
Jobs Board is a great idea and a welcome addition in my opinion, but I have another suggested board. Could you add a "classifieds" board where users who are looking for a contributor to their project could post a req?
For example, I would love to be able to sift through a list and see which projects are looking for help, that I may have expertise in. It could make for a much better way of matching contributors to projects that could really use their help.
With new features such as that hovery-type thing being added, I've seen a lot of inconsistencies and general weird things pop up in the UI here lately. Could you please make sure that these are removed?
For example: Font Colors in sidebar, the existence of two separate stats bars (top with text for stats names, bottom with icons for stats), that "request to join this project" link that doesn't float:right like it should for responsive design, the floaty bar which uses a thick brass border (which NOTHING else on this site seems to use), the header which changes its color on hover (why??), the header not expanding to the full width on the chat page, the ridiculous amount of different gray shades you use, the custom scrollbars in the chat (but nowhere else) (please get rid of them?), and finally, the avatar being a rounded square in the header, a sharp square in the team list and feed items, a bordered square in comments, a circle in the project summary header thing, and a circle in the sidebar featured stuff list.
Please make sure you're consistent and logical before implementing too many new features :)
Oh, also, what's up with the feed buttons being completely different from the rest of them? They look similar at first, but the hover effect has both a transition and... they change color somehow
And please make up your mind on the whole skull vs like thing
Hey alpha_ninja! You're absolutely right - as the site has been evolving, we have been eager to make new features look nicer, but haven't done a good job of updating the old ones and so we have ended up with a lot of inconsistencies. The good news is that we have finally found the design we feel great about (you can see it's flavor in the new project title header), and over the next two months, we'll be working on deploying it across the site and making the entire user experience uniform. Thanks for your patience!
Project Description: I've had significant trouble with the character-limit on project-descriptions... The concept of a limit is fine, but the actual functionality of it is... hokey. Sometimes you write something great and rather than its complaining it's too long (like it usually does) it doesn't complain at all and deletes half of what you wrote... Other times, the character-count is completely off... it claims to fit, and then deletes several characters. How 'bout instead of a hard-limit just have an indicator and a really big red-flag when the number's exceeded: "Hey, Project descriptions are supposed to be short!" Maybe an even bigger red-flag "HEY, You're RAMBLING where it's not at all recommended!" But don't actually *limit* it to a specific number of characters.
Yah see 'em all the time, here's an example I just came across:
Thinking it'd be cool to see how many skulls have been given by a person...
Has anyone suggested the option to download ones project pages as an xml file or PDF for archival purposes similar to how facebook lets one download their profile as a locally viewable web page ?
I posted a comment to my own profile, it shows up like this:
"You posted a comment to their profile." 'Their' should be 'your'.
"You, ottoragam, and konate2011 posted a comment to their profile."
I think 'their' should also be 'your'.
ottoragam didn't write self comments. konate2011 account is gone.
Let project picturegallery scan "files" for images and display them.
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:( "likes" ? Where'd my precious skulls go?