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Hey Javl, because the few projects you follow haven't been updating very recently, the stack is showing a higher proportion of the time. If you follow a few more active projects ( or people then it wouldn't be so noticeable. There are no filters on the feed at the moment. Thanks.
Major nitpicking here: in the file "style.css" for you have defined "margin-bottom: 2em" attribute for numbered lists. Both ".section .buildlogs-list li" and ".section ol li" affect them, but *only on the main project page* (here's an example:, log named "Another log").
It gives a margin of 2em after every numbered list item and frankly it doesn't look good... Maybe you needed it somewhere else and this is collateral damage? This does not appear on the log page itself, so I assume it's an error.
The "delete" key seems to remove image formatting tags everywhere in the post. This is really annoying, beyond the usual annoyingness of image formatting.
To reproduce, make a blog entry with some text and images. Resize the images and set one to float left and the other to float right. Place the cursor anywhere in the blog - even within the text - and press the delete key. The image formatting and sizing is deleted. Even when the cursor nowhere near the image insert point.
I really wish HAD had implemented one of the various standards, instead of rolling their own system. It's really difficult to interleave text and images in any sane manner, and viewing text on a differently-sized monitor makes my careful formatting look like crap.
The DocuWiki standard, or the MarkDown standard, or even html tags have specific renderings that can be relied upon, and you could have imported an open-source rendering library for any of these standards and saved yourself months of work, debugging, and bug response.
I've noticed this issue too. I've put in a ticket for the Devs to looks at. Thanks.
I'd love to see one more button except "Follow project" and "Skull project" - something like "Look at it later", populating my own "Look at it" list. Something like "Watch later" on youtube.
Maybe this has been suggested before, but I was thinking about the ongoing and completed project statuses you can select in a project. For me the options are too limited. I have stuff lying around which I don't work on any more, but I might pick it up one day to continue working on it. Some of the stuff could have it's own detailed project page, but making a project page for it and listing it as completed feels a bit harsh, while ongoing doesn't quite cover it either.
Also I rarely consider stuff complete, there are always more ideas and plans than time. So I was thinking about a more options for project statuses, maybe you'll like them. How about:
Ongoing, Completed, Shelved, Boxed and Scrapped ?
Hey Martijn, I've put it on the wishlist, but for the time being you can add your own labels as tags. Cheers!
Hey Martijn, I've put it on the wishlist, but for the time being you can add your own labels as tags. Cheers!
on Android Chrome the search box in the menu doesn't work (keyboard - swiftkey - closes on tapping the search box)
And the request desktop site doesn't work (nothing more annoying than being forced to a mobile view when you have a device and browser perfectly capable of showing the a full website)
Hey, which version of chrome/android are you using? It seems to be working for me. Thanks!
I like the changes to UI as well as project storage. And that's it, just thank you :-)
By the way, how are going to prevent users - especially those with bogus accounts - to upload music, movies and warez? 1GB is huge storage, most of my projects would be happy with 1MB for zip with source files - those are vital for project - while photos or movies (not that important as source files) can be on flickr/google/youtube/vimeo whatever.
I second the changes to the UI and project storage. Well done!
Glad you like the updates! We'd have to ask @Ivan Lazarevic about what safeguards are in place to stop bogus users from misusing the features.
we'll deal with bogus users same way as we did when they misused other features :)
Two issues noticed a few minutes ago: the search box isn't working, and profile project lists display "0" under skulls (which still seem to show up under project pages).
Thanks Zack! I think we got this all fixed up, but if you see anything else acting strange, give a shout
Someone broke something: (probably last few hours)
ReferenceError: /var/lib/hackaday-projects/hackaday-projects/views/feed/feeds.ejs:88
>> 88|
checked<%}%> <%if (!user){%>disabled<%}%>>Mentions
_ is not defined at __line (eval at (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/hackaday-projects/node_modules/ejs/lib/ejs.js:464:12), :2550:12)
at Query.wrappedCallback (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/hackaday-projects/node_modules/newrelic/lib/transaction/tracer/index.js:411:66) at Query.wrapped [as _callback] (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/hackaday-projects/node_modules/newrelic/lib/transaction/tracer/index.js:155:28)
I am on chrome under win7 and myfeed is the one that is broken (so far). Most of the notification to email options are off.
Thanks for your quick work on this and the search Amar - you rock! :)
I believe that people should identify with real data and photo researcher
Autoredirection to feed after sign in kills fluid surfing experience.
When reading the blog (as a side note, front page is useless), I oftentimes click on a link leading to a project or an article or something. When the links go to, I do want to sign in unless I'm already signed in. Now, I am automatically redirected AWAY from what I was supposedly wanting to read to the feed page. This hurts my ears and kills Bambi. Also, I have to close the tab, hunt the link and reclick it again to find whatever it was that I was wanting to read.
So, make the sign in process not update pages. This is 2015 and the sign in does not need a full page reload. Nothing needs a full page reload. Much less does it need page redirection or getting the user away from whatever they were reading.
The feed page itself is okay-ish when I actually _do_ want to read it. I'd like to keep the feature. Its clumsiness is another separate issue.
Hey Teemu, can you give the steps where you are not getting redirected to the original content? Also, your browser/OS setup?
When I try, I am not getting redirected to the feed, but to the correct destination.
Getting spam in my private message box. Where is that "report inappropriate content" button in the new layout? So far there are still no way to delete the unwanted message threads that clutter up my message screen.
I am using chrome browser on win 7.
I reported the user on his profile page. Seems like this is a bit non-intuitive. Also encountered error in the reporting function with nothing but an error number. Probably because I tried to copy/paste part of the message to the report from the guilty party.
Not sure if is the same subject, but I'm receiving spam into personal messages from I reported him, but no change for now.
FYI - this spammer has set up 3 accounts which we have blocked each time. Hopefully, they will get board soon. Endurance, Endurance Robot, and Endurance Robots. Just report them from their profile page if you see any more crop up. Thanks.
Hello KC, at the moment the best way is to report on their profile as you did. Their account will then be automatically hidden/frozen until we've looked into it. There is no way to report from the PM right now.
Unfortunately, Endurance keeps on making new accounts. I blocked another one today.
I'd like the ability to embed Vines into project updates, they are quite useful for showing off particular additions
Second point - could we get some text color options? Would be cool to get red/yellow/green/blue for highlighting status of stuff. It would be totally alright if they were flattened a bit to match the color scheme.
Is it possible to move the components list to the left side? Or is it too big? I think it's a valid point made in a totally unrelated blog comment
Tempted to drop the component list in my projects in favour of just a link to the BOM.csv on my github. Github renders the right formatting, include refdes, footprints fields in a readable form without wasting space and automatically kept up to date. It is a user editable document, so I have full control and can even add datasheet/mail ordering SKU etc. For large BOM, that's the only sane option.
Here is what it looks like:
It is generated by bom-ex ulp in eagle.
This is indeed helpful, but there are also parts that you wouldn't add to your eagle pcb. My comment was about styling, not usefulness ;)
"user editable document" for "parts that you wouldn't add to your eagle pcb". Yes it is a pain.
The BOM in HaD is not going to be user configurable nor going to be added in any time soon like all other feedbacks. So either wait 6 months or forever or bypass it entirely. url will take up less space.
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Some of those numbers are part of the "on boarding" process for new members. They don't show up in the feed because they didn't actually pressed a button. At least that's what I have heard.
Uh, how does it work? I noticed it too, but was too lazy to actually compare my feed with followers list. Having more than 1k followers in almost two years or so would mean more than one follower per day average increase and this is definitely not the frequency observed in my feed.
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Here's something unintuitive: those ribbons over a project's icon can show whether you've skulled/followed it. However, clicking those icons doesn't give a skull or a follow, but instead links to the project. Could you make the ribbon buttons perform the action they represent?
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Am I just not looking in the right place, or is it not possible to remove Stack updates from my feed? As it is now the feed is completely useless to me because it is filled with Stack updates, instead of just updates from projects I actually follow.