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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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hey, I can't edit this project, it tells me the summary can't be blank, when it isn't.
I've been here for maybe a decade and never noticed "My Notifications"...
Unfortunately, it's way too small to scroll through that tiny window.
Is there (or can we please have) a dedicated page like ?
( BTW, I've heard from many others over the years who've similarly missed comments because they'd been relying on emails for notifications, which are sporadic )
(( Ideally, a way to mark/hide "read" notifcations would also be helpful! ))
Thanks for what y'all do here!
The recent flood of "projects" from UTSOURCE is no better than spam. Links in them lead not to project content, but to a UTSOURCE search page. Plenty of pictures, few if any words, no schematics, no parts lists, nothing that would make them actual projects of interest.
It's just blatant advertising. They should be kicked off. In the meantime report every one of their ads.
For the past few weeks I've been reporting all UTSOURCE projects but also the account itself. Let's not forget the following accounts that also blatantly advertise the same site: utsourceproduct, Electroniclovers123.
Unfortunately there is also still those accounts that heavily advertise PCB manufacturing companies by publish projects like MakerIoT2020, ElectroBoy, ElectronicABC, ASHUMHRPROJECTS, Lithium ION,, Subhajit, Asheesh, Circuits DIY, ElectronicABC, ...
I don't find objectionable the PCB houses which appear to be sponsoring actual projects as a means to gaining a platform. That's a value exchange, and some of those projects are of interest. The UTSOURCE stuff, however, is empty of value, and only adds noise to the site.
Some of the "sponsored projects" are risible though. "This blinky sponsored by blah blah boards". Right...
I also think it's fair that sponsored projects contain some advertisement. However, too many of the projects from the accounts I listed earlier are just examples from datasheet, rip off of well known projects, copy of popular projects that can be find all over the internet or absolutely too basic/simple to be called project. Too many of them are just not of any real interest and it is clear than it is not about quality but rather quantity. I can't feel the intent of the author to share something with Hackaday community... but I see a lot of them are just trying to earn money by pretending to do electronics.
I would like help deleting my account. (i have set up a new one). My account was created using github login and something borked with the email and passwords leaving it unusable. Please delete my account
i cant do it myself because the email 7834360@@github isnt verified for obvious reasons and the passord is unknown
Thank you
Hi @iHally Brendan - Deleting directly through Github isn't working. You need to have an email in the system (added through the gold banner or otherwise), then visit the reset password page to set a password. You can then delete the account with that password on the account page.
If that won't work for you, send me a private message.
Reposting this issue since it was not answered. A project I created 6 days ago still has not appeared on the page.
Hi @G Sozmen - Sorry for the late reply. I can see your project here
Sent you a PM.
[this comment has been deleted]
As I understand you won't see the counter until it reaches 50.
Hi, I created a new project yesterday but it does not appear on the page. I tried sort by newest/recently updated etc. I can find the project using the "Find projects and more" search box at the top of the page.
Hi, Any way to report spam messages / users? I see the block option, but they can continue spamming somebody else...
You need to position the mouse on the same line as Reply so that the Report as Inappropriate link appears. Similarly for users from their profile.
Noob- I asked a question in Stack, but I don't see my question when I navigate to Stack.
Hi @aclark - New projects, Stack posts, don't show up in the feed or all projects page, immediately. We implemented this rule as protection from spammers, so you just have to be more patient. Thanks!
Apologies if I'm missing how this should work. If I want to add a project to a new (private) list, I click Add to List -> Create New List, enter list title/description and hit Save, it open the page for that list, but the list is empty. It would be great to have the project I was just in when I started the process to create the new list, automatically added to the new list.
Hi, I cannot get rid of empty videos in the gallery of my project ( Whenever I add a new video from Youtube an empty video appears in the gallery in addition to the actual video. Thanks for any help.
Looks corrected now, there was just a some formatting confusing the gallery. The videos should embed correctly if you use the 'insert video' button while the editor is open, then just paste in the youtube video url.
Thank you very much for prompt response! The gallery looks okay now.
It looks like request to join a project only appear in the notification email and on the project page itself. It would be nice to have these appears in My Feed and/or Notifications menu
Maybe I'm mistaken but it seems that project views for my projects have gone backward recently. Was the views stats restored to an earlier checkpoint?
There have not been any rollbacks but there can be small fluctuations in how they are calculated. What are you seeing?
The view counts for a couple of my projects went back to the numbers I renenbered from a few weeks ago, where they had been for a while, before I published updates to them. It's not a big deal, but I found the "rollback" quite consistent.
Edit: Now it the counts are back to the high-water marks that I saw. Maybe like you say due to the way views are counted.
I have a new account. I'm using a Microsoft Surface Pro 6, running Windows 10 version 21H2. I cannot access my profile or log out. The browser does not show a drop-down menu in the upper righthand corner of the screen, just a "My Feed" button. I can access my profile easily from my Android phone. The community manager who replied to my email told me Hackaday works just fine for them, using their Chrome on Mac. That wasn't helpful.
We are aware of the issue and can hopefully get that resolved for you. There was a misunderstanding in your original email, it wasn't clear that your laptop was a windows machine.
For some reason, my project doesn’t show up in the “All Projects” page. I cant find my project when I visit the “Recently Updated” or “Newest” section.
Also, when I post a comment, the date and time shows up in Chinese.
whatsup with gifs? none of mine seem to load, 500 error each time :(
Hi @alusion - Thank you for reporting, we are looking into it!
I can't change the email address for my account, because it requests a password even though I use "sign in with github". Please help. I wasn't able to find the right person/forum to find help, I hope this is the right place
Hi @Bhavesh Kakwani - Changing the email address directly through Github isn't working. You need to have an email in the system (added through the gold banner or otherwise), then visit the reset password page to set a password. You can then change the email with that password on the account page. If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
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