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Hey Danjovic, I'm afraid I'm not sure. You'd probably have better luck asking this question over on
Thanks, did it :
Do you mean on the text editor for or something else?
So I bumped into a small conversation at the superconference and it was a few people discussing that they'd love to build more stuff but they didn't know what to build. I wonder how much interest there would be in a section or project tag for ideas that hackaday members have but don't have the time/inclination/skill-set to do it themselves?
I do this in my Pages section, but I agree that a dedicated spot would be ideal.
I just saw that project logs now show the complete date and time they were created on instead of the previous x days/months ago. Thanks for adding/changing that :)
But I think some of the requested changes and additions might go unrecognized. So the question is: Is there a change log somewhere that one could check out instead of stumbling upon the changes?
If not, I think this page might be a good place but I get that having the comments as far up on the page as possible is also desirable. I'd suggest to 'hide' them in the details section by having it say change-log followed by the read more tag at the beginning, that shouldn't take up too much more space.
I just noticed the comment/log time stamps! Super great ya'll.
@Jasmine - for better mobile integration, could the timestamps appear 'onclick' instead as a tooltip?
When did you implement the save as draft feature for project logs?
Thanks for the reply @Jasmine, but what do you and the devs think about the changelog?
Hey Stefan, they currently post info about large changes in the feed page. We also sometimes do updates to Project. I'll add things when I'm notified.
Thanks for this info, I sometimes see them relying to feature requests here as well. I just thought a central place to look up all features would have been useful.
I've been getting "aw snap" messages from Chrome about 50% of the time for the last couple of weeks. (These are put up by Chrome when a page has some sort of processing error.)
I've sent feedback a couple of times, but this goes to Google and not Hackaday. I think it's a problem with the .io system, and not anything specific to Chrome.
Is this of interest? Is there some dataset or something that would be of interest to your developers to try to find this?
(Using Chrome 46.0.2490.71 with Adblock Plus only.)
Hey Peter, thanks for letting us know. We'll look into it.
I've also been getting the aw snap messages although not 50% of the time. I'm using Chrome Version 46.0.2490.86 (64-bit) no adblock, Mac Yosemite
Hey @Peter Walsh and @Sophi Kravitz, @Amar Patel asked if you remember what pages were being viewed or what actions were being made when these errors occurred? Thanks!
Jasmine - I'll contact Amar directly through the .IO chat system. Thanks for hooking us up.
If you have new bugs, please still post them here. Cheers.
Suggestion: Add a summary of recent changes to a project with time stamps under the stats .e.g.
Oct 10, 2015: Project log (link) added
Oct 07, 2015: Project Detail edited (link)
This makes life a bit easier to spot the new changes when you are revisiting someone's project.
project sort idea: "not followed nor skulled by me" + "recently updated"
I think this is a bug: When I open the site on my phone (Nexus 4, using Chrome) everything is as expected in portrait but when I switch to landscape the header disappears. I was also able to reproduce this in Chrome on Windows by resizing the window and sizing the window to a small landscape format in device mode.
Thanks for letting us know. I'll put in a ticket.
Not a gripe, but I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome site and community. Glad to have stumbled across it!
When I click on my projects, for example, in lower right corner I can see number of views and and followers. I'm pretty sure it contained also number of skulls before, but now the information is missing. When I click on project and get into particular project page, I can see it there. On the other hand - lists display 4 kinds of information: views, followers, discussion posts as well as skulls.
Left: my projects ----- Right: robotics list
Is the skulls counter omission bug or feature?
Same here.
Comments and skulls were very useful, is it possible to put them back, please?
Now that two guys mentioned it, I can too. I want the skulls on my projects! :D
When inserting a link, could the "Open link in new tab" option be active by default ?
Sorry Yann. I don't think that's going to happen.
Wow, private projects are possible and you don't tell anyone?
I was invited to a private project and checked the edit page of a project of mine.
it's right below project status on 'add page' for me. They might use me for early beta testing though :D
I have it, too, so I don't think it's a beta testing thing.
On that note though, a change log would be nice.
It's not just you, I can't see it.
EDIT: I found it. Click on project, edit it and there you go, one of the options:
Still testing. Let us know if you run into any issues.
I discovered this too! It was super convenient to give me a chance to write some stuff and upload pics later before you noticed :) (I still need to upload pics for my Battlebot #2 project...)
A request : add the date and time at the beginning of each log, when we create it. It's a log, right ? So there must be a time stamp :-) The "relative, rounded" time indication is "OK" but it loses significance very fast. "wrote a month ago", yeah, what day ? When you have many things written "approximately" at the same time, you can't distinguish them...
We've made a note of this. Thanks for your feedback!
It could be an "insert current date" button, like the "insert video" or "insert picture" buttons in the editor :-)
thank you for suggestion. now we're showing relative time if it less than a week and real time otherwise. also, if you put cursor over time it will show relative/real time.
It's kind of impossible to link to by his username, is there another way to do that? I tried 'justind000' and ids but that didn't work. Have a nice one :)
Unfortunately not at the moment. There is a ticket in requesting that people can be mentioned by their username rather than their screen name. Thanks!
Biggest problem is that there is at least one justin too many for the list ;) thanks
username vs screenname is a bit confusing... (and might add even *more* people to the list, as dave mentions, below). What about user-number as an option, since that shows up on links? E.G hovering over your [user/screen]-name linked above shows: hacker/349... so @349 would be uber-clear when there's a huge list of similar names. (And thanks, y'all for changing the # method to handle both options for projects! Awesome!)
Clicked this project, clicked the 'tiny robots projects' list, got 404.
Hello jacksonliam, seems to be working now. Cheers!
Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I'm still getting 404 here, Android Chrome.
Can you try now? It was set to private. Now it is public.
[this comment has been deleted]
There currently is #The Square Inch Project running where you can win some OSHpark/HaDstore credits with a pcb design that fit's into a square inch.
How about having a project(s) of the month? A list of projects with the most skulls/follows for that month. Might be a good way of finding trending projects. Maybe a T-shirt or something for the top projects.
It'd also be nice to have skulls based on categories i.e. Creativity, Documentation, etc.
This thought has crossed our minds and is on the wishlist, but where to put it? Maybe highlighted on the projects page?
We do have weekly featured projects which are the 2 that appear on the right-hand side of the feed page and on the blog homepage. Those are picked manually.
The trending projects on the blog homepage are picked algorithmically.
I'll feedback to the team. Thanks form bringing this up.
It would be nice to have some more automated way of adding projects to lists -- maybe a dropdown on the project page similar to the one for adding to contests. Of course the list's owner could still be asked for approval (although it would also be nice to be able to have multiple moderators, that would all get a notification and any of them could approve), similar to how joining projects works.
Hey Radomir, we have a ticket for this. I've made note of your support for this feature. Cheers.
Is there some way to flag abuse? I seem to have someone testing out their markov chain spambot on a thread I'm on, so I get an email alert every time too... User is Ptfourstargoldenlion.
Hey Howard, how annoying! I've blocked Ptfourstargoldenlion.
If anyone else causes a nuisance you can go to their profile and use the 'report as inappropriate' link. These links also appear on project pages and next to comments. We get the reports and work out what action should be taken.
I think the mentioning lists could be vastly improved. I suggest you make two major changes:
1. (applies to chats only) For username mentions, people that are in the group you're chatting with should be shown at the top of the list. Not only does this make sense, but it means you can be shown results immediately—without waiting for HTTP requests to finish!
2. For project mentions, prioritize projects that either belong to you or are followed/skulled by you.
I have an additional idea for number one - a split screen where you can select the persons and have an open yet sorted conversation - this way you can talk about something and everyone can listen in, while seeing every conversation. A list of topics could be selectable for the split screen and you could talk to them via an 'at' topic tag or in the split screen.
Hey Alpha_ninja, these are on the todo list. Dave, I think I know what you mean and I've put it on the wish list. Thanks!
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Hi , @Jasmine what about highlighters for AVR and PIC assembly?