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Very suspicious at the last few "likes" for Automatic Accident Alert System.
>shah1048 updated their profile. 9 minutes ago
>shah1048 liked Automatic Accident Alert System.9 minutes ago
>mariastellamagoulas updated their profile.8 minutes ago
>mariastellamagoulas liked Automatic Accident Alert System.8 minutes ago
>cuanamedia updated their profile.7 minutes ago
>cuanamedia liked Automatic Accident Alert System.6 minutes ago
>ch.5davevicbc updated their profile.4 minutes ago
>ch.5davevicbc liked Automatic Accident Alert System.4 minutes ago
>poojavyas72 updated their profile.3 minutes ago
>poojavyas72 liked Automatic Accident Alert System.3 minutes ago
>guylover68 liked Automatic Accident Alert System.2 minutes ago
>uylover68 liked Automatic Accident Alert System.2 minutes ago
>ameerpardhan updated their profile.a minute ago
>ameerpardhan liked Automatic Accident Alert System.a few seconds ago
>opoalwasana updated their profile.a minute ago
>opoalwasana liked Automatic Accident Alert System.a few seconds ago
Riiiiiiiiiight. A whole bunch of new account all show up one by one to "like" the same project. To "like" the same project that SPAM people's PM for "likes"?
Not bloody likely. Gentleman sharpen your pitch forks!
still incoming fake "likes" for this user. Script still running or just don't care?
May be only people that have been on the system a while (a cooling off time) and have projects can vote?
clintonecarlson updated their profile., auribertaalvess liked Automatic Accident Alert System.a minute ago, auribertaalvess updated their profile.a minute ago, suma143cool liked Automatic Accident Alert System.2 minutes ago, suma143cool updated their profile.3 minutes ago,
Also seeing similar pattern on "COCITO WEATHER STATION"
How can anyone like an empty project!? Really? Dead give away is what these new account do as soon as they are created and always the same few descriptions.
Man you have an eye for that :) Cocito is not really empty though and I gave a skull. 30 bugs for a writing a skull giving script sounds reasonable :D I don't think they ran out of money at the end, or did they? That would suck, but otherwise I'd call this creative funding ;) I hope I don't annoy you today.
I think you met your quota today. I have nothing on you Dave! :)
I think I like seeing that escort spam account (from last night) better than these empty ones. At least she is honest on how she makes her money.
Still at it:
>sabhayata12 updated their profile.3 hours ago, sabhayata12 liked Automatic Accident Alert System.
>4printings updated their profile.3 hours ago, 4printings liked Automatic Accident Alert System.3 hours ago
: and so on....
>smithadam711 updated their profile.3 hours ago, smithadam711 liked Automatic Accident Alert System.3 hours ago
Not too smart as everyone can see the feed log after the fact. Same naming convention <name><number>, same few tag(s): "love innovation"
Before we give any money out to people, we're checking all this stuff out. Feel free to email me directly at to report suspected cheating or bugs
It is not yet the deadine, but I am unable to submit my project to design your concept challenge.
The following is the link to my project:
The deadline is defined in Pacific Time and it translates in different other times throughout the world...
Please, disable that icon notification for the chat! It is so annoying and useless! It says 1 new private message, when it fact it is one new irrelevant chat entry.
I agree. That's really distracting, it's like the icon has no meaning when I'm in the chat anyway, but worse.
While it is mildly annoying, I find a reload of the "discussion" page will typically clear the "1".
I asked for separate chat and notification icons way back when it was introduced. I have decide to not go into chat because of this and the poor implementation of chat.
poor implementation? I'd call that a papercut :D I just ignore that message thingy when it shows 1 new message ... because chat. Since the chat and the p.m. is the same system, it might be hard to separate, and writing exceptions for project ids in code might be something that not everybody is willing to code.
Well the poor implementation part is how well (or not so well) of chat vs IRC. IRC is already established and doesn't suck up CPU and screen space. I have IRC or even skype open and get work done. Not so with chat.
To be honest, I think they fixed up notification a bit lately. It used to be sometimes it lights up after I edit something and depending on how many sessions have pointing to, it may or may not clear up after finding out the cause,. Now it seems to work fine.
I did leave the chat because of it, even though I would like to be there.
Not sure if it is my ISP, but the servers seems to be unresponsive at times and I have timeout errors for the last few days.
May be it is just me or Chrome on Win 7 x64, but sometimes when I edit a project, I lost the very first character in the log.
I get different behaviours, sometimes I type a word, then space then it creates a new paragraph.
And it's even worse when it happens at random in the middle of paragraphs !
Okay I find out more about disappearing first character. When I delete a picture somewhere in the log, sometimes the screen and cursor moved to the first character in the log and delete it too.
For me it looks like when I need to delete 2 last characters and press Backspace twice too quickly it jumps to the beginning and delete 1st character of the post...
Yes, it does something like this. Especially on longer projects logs with pictures. For most of the time, ending a paragraph by newline makes it OK again.
It doesn't happen all the time, though. I'm not yet sure how to reproducibly trigger it.
Hi everyone!
We are reading your comments, thanks for contributing to the feedback thread :)
Hey, is it possible to have two kinds of feeds?
One for personal projects, and the other for all the subscription/following people/projects I am interested in, please?
[this comment has been deleted]
I second this one. More than that, having feed as default view makes counter of new feed items useless, because it is cleared when viewing feed (which is default view).
I'd suggest making the default page adjustable (and include the oprion of returning you to wherever you were before logging in)
yes, configuring the default page sounds like a great idea :-)
Respected authorities
I want to inform you that my project with the name
"Life is a state of mind"
has been deleted from my account.
Don't know who has deleted my project
Last night it was there in my profile.
Kindly resolve the issue as soon as possible
I would _really_really_really_ like it that if I click on a HaD/blog to a link and then proceed to log in, I would _NOT_ get moved to this feed thing I never use anyway. I was on to read of some project and now have to go back or find the url again or something. Really super annoying.
Thanks for fixing this already in advance.
Yours, Teemu
P.S. Issue tracking vs. unordered comments in a "project". same.
Hello, would it be possible to add a feature in order to strike the text we want inside the project editor menu ?
I second this request. Also, provide a non-wysiwyg mode maybe?
Sometimes the WYSIWYG isn't. :P +1 on the strike-out as I can show what the significant changes are in the log.
+42 for the non-wysiwig mode ! the editor is often a pain !
Even a basic markup language would be great
Oh my, even typing my reply triggered weird cursor behaviours :-(
[this comment has been deleted]
logs list is a often requested feature. Let's hope this will finally be implemented :-)
I'm managing a team project "lasercut optics bench".
For some reason, when I invite a cut/paste user name from their page, such as "Jennifer.cote", it won't send an invite. If I start to type the user name, then select one of the auto-completed names it does work.
In the first case cut/paste should be the exact name, so it shouldn't be a typo or unicode problem. It acts as if the cut/pasted name isn't found, but the autocompleted name is found.
Feature Request: an Eagle/KiCad schematic/board viewer so i can look at people's boards on IO without having to have Eagle installed. Maybe just a script/ulp that dynamically creates a pdf from any of those files for viewing?
Somebody in my Feed used the bold tag and now everything is bold :D
Problem report with the interface.
System: MsWindows 7 x64; Browser: Firefox, latest version.
I wrote some texts, some parts of them I copy-pasted from some articles I wrote in MsOffice a long time ago. I posted those texts as update logs, then published. But I forgot to check the spelling, so back to editing.
- Sometimes cursor positions itself to the beginning of the page without warning - if the texts are too big. Same problem with hack-chat - if I write more than two rows and I wish to paste something, cursor also goes back to the beginning (as if some invisible hand presses the "home" key)
- I edit the logs, right-click the highlighted misspelled words, replace them with the correct spelling, re-publish the update log and surprise: no spelling is performed;
- This "going home" issue when pasting something - it does not happen when I write big texts as a comment - such as the text I am posting here.
Please try that using one of the big update logs in my project, or any other big misspelled text to confirm.
I did not try this using other operating system or other browser but I will keep you updated if this is OS or browser related.
Can we have a light theme as an option please? I can barely read the present colour scheme. I no longer have 20-something eyes. Thanks!
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Hello, I notice when I use "chat" (i.e., Hacker Chat project) on a phone, I get a nice "arrow" to close the "messages" left sidebar (and I think the "members" pane on the right side). However, when using a PC (or an Android tablet even), these "arrows" don't appear and you lose "too much" screen space from these sidebars (which are generally not too useful while chatting). This is really bad on small screen laptops and tablets (which may "appear" to have large screens, but with common "retina" displays, still not enough room - or a microscopic font). I am wondering if you can make it so everybody can close (or minimize) the distracting sidebars?