All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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To make the experience fit your profile, pick a username and tell us what interests you.
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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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When trying to @Mention someone it can be difficult to get the right person to show up, especially in a 'firstname surname' scenario with a common firstname but even with an obscure username it's not as easy as it should be.
An initial list of the names already in the comment thread, or the names you used most recently would help this most.
Then when typing in a name, the results could be more relevant either by prioritising people I follow or have mentioned before first. And/or being more context aware, e.g. people who also commented in the project, project team members, followers etc.
I like the addition of profile numbers for this, which makes things way easier than it was. But agreed, the list of names you use the most would be helpful.
[this comment has been deleted]
I keep pushing for something like Github's STL viewer. It's on the list, it just needs to happen.
I just received skulls for a page and want to thank you guys for making this possible :) Thanks! Love that new feature :)
Hey Dave, check this out -
I agree with David. I spend more time on Hackaday because it is a great place to get feedback and its. I think the instructions section of the project is a bit weak. I know the focus of is building things but it is very important that the instruction page is well formated an publicized. This way more projects attempted by other users and the feedback from that is just awesome!
Yes Hackaday is becoming a bigger part of my life as the years go by. Well done hackaday, well done ind... you know where I'm going with this.
Hey David, glad to hear it. We look forward to seeing your projects up on, so we can fully envelop your time :)
Congratulations! Excellent work. All the possible opportunities to get better are already mentioned.
Thanks for the support. We're working on it. Cheers.
Maybe a bug? When I search for a tag that I have attached to my project, I do not get it listed in the search reply. Example - does not show the projects:
Hello Rockfishon, thanks for highlighting this. At the moment the search on doesn't return results from, but it would be great if it did. I'll suggest it to the team. Thanks!
The "stack" section seems to be filling up with links to EE articles (and no content), which means that people are using it as a marketing outlet. I was wondering if this is OK, or if HAD should maybe try to prevent this.
I follow the stack and try to answer questions for people and otherwise interact, but if it's just a bunch of links to articles, well... I can find those on my own. It's like getting a free copy of EE news in the mail - it goes right into the dumpster.
Interacting with people and being able to ask questions is a nice feature.
There are several stack posts by "gopi kokkonda", who has no projects and isn't following anyone, only makes stack entries such as "Wireless Microcontrollers Enable the Smart Home" (with no content, only a link to the DigiKey article), and his user description is "I help entrepreneurs double their ROI by solving their tech & marketing challenges."
Really. The signal-to-noise feature of stack will become so low that no one will look at it.
Being able to ask questions is a *really* nice feature, please don't let it get polluted with marketing droids.
Hey Peter, we'll keep an eye on this. Remember you can report members who are acting inappropriately. Best to report from their profile page rather than the individual comment or page if they are doing this regularly.
Glad you're finding the stack useful despite this. Cheers.
I'd like to suggest simply showing the difference between text posts and links somehow :)
is Is there an option to get email updates for selected projects?
Some of my project followers don't visit the site very often but would appreciate an email when I update, much like the "feed" in a digest format once a day or week
This is a great idea. Unfortunately, it's not something that we can offer at the moment. I'll suggest it to the team.
Awesome, I would appreciate it. Even an opt-in per project would be useful.
I would +1 this, people like my mom would love to get my project updates, but she ain't getting on every day to check if I have posted something.
I'd love to see any kind of response to reported projects, as I'm unsure whether anybody looks at it. I reported obvious bullshits, like (author of the projects submitted more crap like this, just take a look) or and this one, which is really awesome
I'm not saying like all stupid "projects" should be deleted, but those ones are really outstanding.
Hello Jaromir, we do get the reports. We have a very relaxed moderation for most of the content on the site, and these projects don't contravene our TOS. If enough people report them, then they will automatically be removed. So thanks for reporting them!
I am not sure if the second one can be qualified as a project.
Hello, I noticed that there is a small placement error in the components list when the quantities are set unreasonably high. At the maximum qty value, the digits overrun where the 'X' is.
If I follow a project (like the adafruit pi zero contest) please don't spam my feed with all the other people who also followed that project!
I may want the feed to show who followed _my_ projects though!
But you share an interest... Maybe if you're lacking the passion to enjoy those who share an interest with you... you... should not take part in it?
It would be like printing the names and passport photo of everyone who subscribes to a Linux magazine in the front of each issue of the magazine. It really doesn't tell me anything useful or help me to share my interest.
You can still see who else follows a project by going into that project, and flooding the feed like that means I'll miss comments and updates on a project I've followed, which is the actual content I'm interested in and is more likely to make me get engaged and contribute myself. - but what about too much of something, so that you can't see the more important stuff?
Let us not forget what an interpreter is and does
Hey jacksonliam, we are changing this. Thanks for the feedback.
We've released a change so that followers are grouped into one update for contest follows.
I found a small bug/typo when submitting to the Adafruit Pi Zero Contest. It still says it's the Trinket Everyday Carry contest in the dialog box:
Hello, has anyone had a chance to play with the productivity app Asana?
The way it associates chatrooms with objects seems like an ideal place to start with enforcing more productive conversations with chats. The way it functions is inherently declarative by the way things are related to one another. Conversations about tasks are framed around reminders of the task at hand. It is quite intuitive.
Sorry, it would be great if the chat on here were implemented somewhat like that. The whole series has been very well put together from what I've seen. It may be worth extrapolating a plan to mine some data pertaining to the theories expressed in this series to better analyze ways of improving With data we can predicate a set of good reasons to change for the better. specifically this one stands out as being useful.
I found what feels like a bug.... Steps to Reproduce:
- In a new project update, start typing an unordered list,
- Use tab key to indent the list, and continue typing up list.
- Unindent using Shift+Tab, and continue typing up list.
Expected result: List should be continuous, consistently indented spaced.
Actual result: Shift-tab doesn't consistently remove indentation, odd spacing between lines generated, main remedy is to just type up the list, and then indent as needed.
Browser: Firefox 43.0.4 (soon to be updated to 44.0) with addons: Adblock Plus, Disconnect, DownThemAll!, Easy Screenshot, Ghostery, JSONView, LastPass, (disabled Skype)
Can it be recreated: Not sure. Shift-Tab definitely fails consistently, but I'm not sure it always fails in the same way...
Requesting an "ignore user" function for certain users that post a lot of projects with, like, no content.
+1 Also options for (feed) ignore by tags, keywords, titles etc.
video link windows so small in project logs. images are way bigger. is there some markup to change the default size ?
I followed the and now my feed is flooded by XXX followed the contest messages.
For other items, some kind of grouping is employed, I'm missing this feature here.
We'll get this sorted. Thanks for letting us know!
Hey Jaromir, this has now been updated. You can see a few other updates here:
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It seems that the latest update broke the code highlighting. In my latest log at I set the highlighting to "python", but they get highlighted as "makefile" for some reason.