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They HaD a forum... I don't like forums for all the "good work" comments and in between questions. Logs win over them, imho.
Indeed, logs, blogs and projects should stay. Then, a separate thing: a forum to exchange information. This proposal came as an alternative to the chat channel. In my opinion, a chat talk has limited value when compared to a forum talk. Compared to a chat, a forum has memory over time, can be searchable by search engines, have more elaborate answers then a chat, and tend to pile a lot of valuable information over years.
We are unlikely to add a forum, but I agree it would be great to have a place where community members can exchange and refere to information on particular topics in a non-transient way.
Most of the projects have just a few log entries. I guess this is because, if you have many log entries, only the last few of them are listed in the main page. For the rest of them, you need to click the "View all x project logs" button. Most of the people don't click to see more.
The request is to have a single page per project, with a long scroll, like a blog style.
This might be a much better way to see a whole project at a glance.
Or a "Table of Contents" on the first page with the title and few lines from all logs
I guess the habit will be to first scroll down, and look for pictures, maybe log titles too. Then, if those seems interesting enough, start reading the text.
It's not only that I'm lazy :o), but there is not enough time to read everything.
I was voting for "no clicks and buttons, just a single long scroll"
Good idea! (regarding a TOC) And worthy-of-implementation... though I fear most will be too "lazy" to reread their old logs and add them to a TOC... maybe this is where "tags" come into play...?
ToC would be very nice. Thanks for the idea.
Just started doing one manually, by listing links to log entries in the 'Project Details' section:
We're currently working on some layout tweaks which includes adding quick links to the project page sections. It may include something to summaries log entries too. If raised this with the devs. Stay tuned.
One thing about the project's picture gallery. Most of the pics we upload is 4:3 or 16:9. The current square picture box just cut it in the view. Can it be changed that it shrink to fit, or change the box itself?
I guess it could be done, but then the pictures would not look so great.
The first rule in photography is "fill the frame". That is why, a zoomed crop will almost always looks better then the original. Most of the amateur photographers does not apply the "fill the frame" rule enough, so zooming and cropping will be just right for them.
Of course, if a professional photographer or an artist will find it's photography cropped, (s)he will be really mad about this.
You can also click through to view gallery to see the images uncropped e.g.
being able to set a topic/headline on a group messaging channel would be nice :)
I joined the hackaday chat in the middle of the "present your project and ask for help" - thing, I noticed there were rules, but had no clue and didn't want to ask. Could be used for that. Let's just hope the css isn't to big ;)
Yep, I thought that might of happened. We're going to make the format clearer and let people know every so often until we get something like this added.
Hey, is there a way of centering text in a project log? I have put a photo on there, and i'd like to centre the text below it kinda like a caption.
Heres what I mean:
I'd love to have each of the italic text blocks below the images centered.
Try this:
It was done with 'DIV align="center"'.
Google HTML center to see the exact syntax.
Write it in a text editor, then copy the text and paste it into your HaD project.
Doesn't seem to work .. html seems to be stripped when you post. Why there isn't a button for horizontal alignment i don't know...
Indeed, it's trickier then that. Sorry that I didn't tested it in the log before writing here.
Still, it was possible to do it.
I started a small project for these kind of tricks:
It will be explained there how it was implemented.
Your name, text and oscilloscope picture were used as an example for the trick. Please let me know if you want them removed.
Add name clicking, instead of directing to their .io page, have it parse their name on the chat text box, so we can easily respond to them. While also having a popup box above the name, that displays their link - and whatever else you guys wish to add over time
Can we get some sort of sketch tool for the group messaging? nothing terribly fancy, just freehand + colors would suffice
I'll put in a request. Who else would find this useful?
probably also nice for sketching ideas for projects when you don't have a pen and/or paper with you.
We all use different imaging programs, and I think a sketching tool may start an endless debate on what features to include. I would prefer to have the text editor in Firefox fixed first. It's very frustrating. Sorry @Aleks Clark
[this comment has been deleted]
This one is still present:
Yes, they keep on popping up. Thanks for letting us know.
I guess these "projects" are spam:
It looks more like a spam bot, because the list is growing.
Thanks for letting us know. I'll sort this out.
The best thing you can do is 'report as inappropriate' by using the link on the project page.
It's the end of the month - I guess all the bots respawn.
[bug] [minor] [contest submission]
When I use the Lazarus browser extension to re-fill the THP entry form, the country doesn't get chosen properly. If I click on it after filling with Lazarus, it has my country right, but before I do, it still says US.
Chrome 43.0.2357.130 (64-bit), Lazarus 3.0.6
Does anybody else see a https error from
It happens with different browsers and from different computers in the last few days, but not always. After reloading the page, usually will work normally. Chrome gives the following message:
"Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).
We generated new certs for a few days ago and revoked/replaced the old ones.
It's a caching issue, there's no real problem, and it'll go away in a bit.
Clear your cache if it's bothering you.
I'm following guys from HaD team. Last few days and weeks my feed was literally flooded by notifications like "X has added Y as contributor to Z" or Mike's replies to "Are you using these parts? Tell us to put you on the list!" stack topic. I understand it's vital for running the contest, but something like 300 new feed items in a couple of days is way too much. I'm even thinking of temporarily unfollowing those guys until the contest is over, because I can't see a way to filter out some topics.
Hello Jaromir, I speak with the team and see what we can do about this. I can see it's annoying. Thanks for raising it.
Should I be able to vote on my own project in the Astronot voting, or was that a mistake that it showed up on my screen? I have a screen shot, but can't figure out how to get it into the comment :(
Yes, but you can only vote for it once in each round. It is treated the same as any other project in the voting.
I just wanted to thank whoever is responsible for improving the voting system this year. I thought it was just a coincidence the first time, but I have not had to refresh once this year.
Not sure if this is supposed to happen, especially when the IDs are the same ;)
Hey Dave, you got to see this after voting for a project, or were you refreshing the page?
I thought so, but then I wondered if you would refresh if there were two projects that didn't seem suitable.
Hey, I'm just trying to get my head around how the voting stuff works. I logged out of my account and hit refresh about 500 times, and not once did my project come up. Is there a subset of projects that get shown for each of the voting rounds?
The other thing is that I tried refreshing the non-logged in screen on Internet Explorer (ew, i know) and the left hand project is always 'Android garage door opener'. Logging in, and then refreshing showed the same first project until i gave a vote to one of the two projects, then it was fixed from then on in.
Sorry if this doesn't make any sense.
Just a note, I don't mind if my project isn't in the list, I'm just more curious than anything else.
Hey Matt, Are you sure you hadn't already voted for your project? If you have, it will be removed from the list. You can only vote for a project once, but if you haven't voted for it, it can be shown again.
Also, the project shown is not completely random as it has to take into account projects that are newly submitted. The way it's set up now, recently added projects are shown more often so at the end of the round the views are more even no matter when you submitted. Hope that explains a little.
I don't think it even records the vote if you are not logged in. It should ask you to login to vote. I'll put in a ticket to make sure that happens.
Hey Jasmine, thanks for the reply. The way the projects are shown explains the reason my project didn't show up. I've got a relatively old project, so I take it mine is at the bottom of the pile.
It does ask you to log in when you click on one of the projects to vote, I was merely using a non logged in browser to see if I could see my project. I figured I probably couldn't see my own project when I am logged in (could be wrong)
Again thanks for the explanation.
You could theoretically see your own project and then vote on it, but then you won't be shown it again in this round of voting.
I had the same issue Matt Would refresh page for an hour and same 6-10 projects every time until I voted on one . Then a new choice was out into the mix however a number of my votes went to projects that would keep appearing and clogging a chance at real project. Was a vote button available on individual projects?
@BDM There is no vote on individual projects. This is because you have to choose which project fits that rounds theme out of the two show.
am-thinkink the automatik-hyperlinkink-system might be a bit overzealous... sometimes a dude's gotta put a filename in somewhere... e.g. filename . txt seems to be turned into http://filename.txt on a regular basis. So-far definitely noticed in project-logs. Let's see what happens here: filename.txt
Anyhow, the end-result is that even "remove link" doesn't work in these cases, because the actual link is created upon submission. So, even posing said project-log then editting it to remove-link, then *also* removing the added http:// makes it look all-good, until the project-log-update is submitted, wherein it's all added back.
I'll put in a ticket to see if we can tweak it. If you find examples, post the link here. It's good to verify which places it's happening in. Thanks!
Thanks, @Jasmine. I revisited the project-log, and this time it worked... This time I deleted the "http://" BEFORE clicking "unlink" and it worked. Last time, I think I clicked "unlink" THEN deleted the "http://" Sorry, I don't have a working-example to give yah anymore :)
I've a missing feature. It would be nice to create projects/project logs in draft. Unfortunately I not always have time to finish an article when I start to write. This means today, I should write the things down separately and copy it to the site, when I finished.
Hello SUF, when we started this was a conscious decision to not have drafts. It helps people to put up posts as they happen, rather than having drafts languishing. However, we may revisit the idea. Possibly for pages.
Thanks for the feedback. You are not alone on wanting this.
Closest thing is uncheck the "Show update in feed" option when you post. Think of it as stealth update. I do that a bit to fix spellings/rephrase things.
I've forgotten to uncheck this on a number of occasions while doing minor changes to the main project page since the "Publish" button is at the top of the page but the checkbox is towards the bottom. It would be nice if the checkbox was always next to whatever control submits the changes.
can I get an rss feed of the page?
Not at the moment. It also looks like the api only supports the global feed, so can't use that either -
Is there a way to sort the 'Projects I Like and Follow' list by 'recently updated'?
Hey Zakqwy! Not at the moment. I'll put in a request to add the sort to that page.
Thanks! I follow a lot of projects and I'm sure I miss infrequent updates, as I'm not on my feed all the time..
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One more request, please:
Make a HaD Forum.