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Thanks Dave, we've already got a ticket for this and are hunting this one down.
When I come to the io site to update project I am taken to the 'myfeed' page automaticly.
This is a distraction because I then have to read through the new items in 'myfeed' straight away because the little indicator above the feed icon on the top right of the page resets so if I don't read them 'now' I won't know if there are any new items in 'myfeed' at a later stage.
It would be great if I could upload the updates to my projects first when that is what I came here to do.
It makes sense. We will add Improving the redirect path after login to our todo list. Thanks for the feedback.
As it stands at the moment, projects lack community involvement and that's probably fine for most, but I would much prefer a community driven development approach...
An option to invite co-developers to become part of a project might increase the community aspect of the site...
Hello Michael, the ability to invite non-members to join a specific project is a great idea. We'll put it on our todo list.
At the moment, you can add collaborators (go to Edit Project), but only if they are already members. You can invite people to join through the site (you can get to this via clicking on your avatar in the top right), or by sharing links. Thanks for your feedback.
Is it just me, or global feed really displays some entries from My feed, but 4 days old? My feed works as expected, I think. All checkboxes are checked, so I should get complete feed. Unchecking/rechecking again doesn’t change it.
Looks like the only messages in global feed I see are responses to my comments - and the newest is 4 days old.
Nevermind, it's working again. But I swear it worked like I described for a few minutes, evne after I posted the comment.
Well if anyone else notices it, do let us know. It may be an intermittent glitch.
New Idea:
It seems I'm not the only one who's work on one project leads to an entirely separate project...
Maybe if there was a check-box in a project-log that would create a new project based on that log...? E.G. I'm working on "mishmash1," which, actually, is a mishmash of various projects, but has taken on a new life, at least on that project-page, as focussing on one particular sub-project (sdramThing). So, there, This checkbox idea might be handy to create a separate project. Likewise, in working on sdramThing, I've created yet-another-tool "autoBaud" which could quite-plausibly be useful as a project-page of its own... Yet another use for this checkbox.
Looking at my feed, it seems @DainBramage has travelled down a similar path, developing an ammeter as a seperate (but apparently related) project to a power-supply/charger.
I'm thinking, checking this box (and after submission of the project-log) would just create a very very simple project-page with the project-log in the description, and maybe a reference back to the original project...?
You could still copy the log, create a new project and use the hashtag reference to link back. An automation of that seems not practical to me, but I see a key feature in having a "derived from/ influenced by" option, to give some credits to other creations or link to your own work that is related. This could be then reverted/expanded to show "child projects" on the master project if it is by you or show clones if it is by someone else, without any action of the "master" owner.
Yeah, a tree of sorts. I dig it.
The automated project-creation could be over-used... that was one concern I had. Was thinking if the logs had tags, then it could eventually recognize that a certain tag appeared in several logs, then after the 5th time it might suggest creating a new project for that tag. It's a bit of a stretch.
Thanks for reminding me about the hashtag thing, I completely forgot.
Copy-paste to a new project, though... I dunno... It sounds easy enough, but the actual implementation (by me) is less-likely to happen in real-time... I mean, the subproject that's taken over probably deserves its own project page, but I'm so dead-set on working on the project, right now, that creating a page for it, right now, seems like a lot of work. Doing a log, though... that's easy. It's just a feeling, I know it's not that difficult, just not my mind-set right now.
@Jasmine - I hope that wasn't overlooked because of all the replies we've made here :)
Nope, not overlooked. I just got side tracked with the prize. Quite a few people agree with your suggestions. I'm sure we'll look into this for future dev.
I have a bug to report, but since I already did so in the wrong place, I'll just link it here:
This was an issue on our end. We have resolved it and are pushing a hotfix today. Thanks for reporting!
New Gallery: Hi, I like the new gallery mode for browsing but I can no longer zoom into pictures with my browser.
On a projects main page there are some images to the left. Before I used to right click on them and select 'open in new tab' and that would give me just the image alone so that I could use by browser plugins to zoom, rotate, pan or whatever I want so that I could see the image.
Now all the pictures only open in gallery mode and this makes it difficult for me to see. I am an older person and my sight is not the best so I have tools to assist. Is it possible to have the option to open just the image from the project page *as well as* the option to 'View Gallery' for those like me who find it a challenge to see or even for those who want to see in a little more detail?
Can I have an "Add a project log" button at the top of my project logs? I don't like having to scroll down every time.
Oh man, that would be awesome. As an occasional project log adder myself, I would find this feature quite useful.
Compliments for the gallery feature! I like that you've included the pictures from the logs to it!
Yep, the gallery is fantastic.
The ability to scroll in the gallery with right/left arrows would be great.
Good idea--agreed. Overall, awesome feature--it's a fun way to revisit the early days of a big project!
@jaromir.sukuba - scrolling with the keys works when you maximize the pictures in the gallery (which is kind of a weird feature, since the pictures aren't that much larger...)
Yes, you are right, I tried it just now. Nobody expects Spanish inq... oh wait, scrolling the maximized picture, when non-maximized doesn't work.
Anyway, having the possibility of scrolling in non-maximized gallery would be fine.
[this comment has been deleted]
Hello Johnny, We've tried the same setup as you and can't seem to replicate the issue. If you could provide a screenshot we'll be able to check with the same project etc. that would be great. Thanks.
[this comment has been deleted]
Getting an error trying to update my e-mail address:
{"error":{"other":{"msg":"Error occurred while updating user profile."}}}
Can we get a screenshot/OS/browser version? Reproduction steps?
Oh, and if you want me to change your email address, just message me or something.
Sure... I'm using Firefox 36.0 on OS X Mavericks. Here's a screenshot:
Hello Matt, we've been able to replicate this. There is a bug, but also I think it's because you have a duplicate account. I'll PM you.
Every time I put something from clipboard into comment it inserts new line
Now what actually wrote was triple Ctrl+V and then enter, though the editor threw new line in before every instance I pasted. Is this feature or bug?
Hello jaromir.sukuba, we got a ticket for this one. Thanks!
You should prevent people from naming their projects something with a backslash in it, like
Thanks Dave. I'll add that to the list. I think the is another bug.
I'm guessing this has come up previously; what are the general thoughts on reducing the size of the "Does this project spark your interest?" bar that pops up for non-logged-in viewers? It's been a source of regular confusion when I share projects with folks that don't have a account. I understand the desire to increase user base, and having an easy signup/in option is good--maybe just dial it back a bit? As an example, this is what I see on a Samsung Galaxy S4 when I look at a project without signing in:
I think this should only pop up, when somebody hits the skull or follow button on the page.
Thanks zakqwy, davedarko, and Johnny B. Goode. We do have a ticket for this. I've added your feedback to it. Cheers.
The E-mail slot in account settings will not accept any E-mail address with an underscore in it. this makes it so I cannot update my E-mail address.
[this comment has been deleted]
Hey Johnny,
Thanks for the detailed feedback! You wouldn't believe how valuable this is to us (though that doesn't mean we'll act right away on all of it :P)
Regarding the feed - This should already be pretty customizable - you can pick what you want/don't want to show up in the feed using the menu on the right side of My Feed/Global feed selector. The problem is that it's not *persistent* at the moment, as soon as you navigate away from the page, configuration is lost. We have that fix in and it should be going out live with the next 1-2 weeks.
"All Projects" page - agree. It's terrible. To be honest, the reason for that is that it's something that has been designed when we had 0 projects in the system and never been touched since. Making it actually usable is high on our priority list and hopefully it will get better soon.
"Collaboration" side of things - your feedback and any lessons learned on this will be incredibly valuable. I'll reach out to you directly regarding this (and other ideas you might have) next week.
I have gotten a notification email for a reply to one of my comments (here:
My preferences have all emails turned off.
This seems a little bit inconsistent, as I didn't get a reply to my comment below on this project. I've also gotten an email about this comment on Jan 28th, so this seems to be a long-standing issue.
Oh my. And emails for all replies to my Stack post that can't be turned off.
Sorry about that! I'll put in a ticket regarding the email notifications getting loose when they are unwanted.
[bug][feed][low] When pages are posted to the feed, it looks like all the elements like <hr>, <img> and new line characters are replaced with nothing (meaning ''). This way you can get some pretty bizarre texts like 'CHANGE LOG2015-02-17 FIRST DRAFTINTRODUCTIONWhile I was looking on eBay' - would be cool if they could be replaced with ' - ' instead to make it more readable.
It really happens often that changes e.g. to the description do not
apply! I write something into the description, then click 'Publish' and
it simply disappears! That is awfully annoying! I loose a lot of time by
that crap. Besides, I'm unable to update my Project... Is this a known
issue? Is there something I do wrong or at least something I can do to
make this stop? I use firefox.
Edit: It works with Chromium
Edit Edit: It seems to be an issue with vimperator. Unabling vimperator seemingly fixes the bug. Sorry for complaining so quickly, but maybe this message helps someone else who gets trapped here.
You might as well install the extension Lazarus, just to avoid losing what you've typed in case anything like that happens in the future.
WOOT! You rock PO!
And here, I was trying to get it in my thick-skull to type these things up in a word-processing program, first, then paste...
I find the UI pretty useless here. I 'followed' several projects that look interesting, yet I have no idea how to see what projects I am following, nor do I have any idea how to find any of these projects I am following to see how they are doing.
Maybe I followed a bunch of dead projects that never have postings or something, but I should be able to see a list of projects I am following, and to jump to any of those projects easily.
There is a list of projects you are following on your profile page - if they post an update or log to a project, you should see them in your personal feed. There is a timestamp for "last updated" on every project, so you can see if it's "dead" or not.
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[bug] I played around with the feed settings and noticed that it won't let you select all checkboxes again, if you unchecked some of them.