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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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Come on . At least have one admin to prevent p@#n ads from showing up at 2nd page if you ain't gonna take down spam and fake projects.
+1. I've reported both projects and the user the moment I saw those p@#n ads! Hackaday new projects should go under a reviewing process before being published, to end the proliferation of advertisements and projects without any relevant content.
I have all the images for my build process cropped and numbered, in the manner 01-DoThis.jpg, 02-DoThat.jpg and so on. 30 images for 30 steps of the build, neatly named and appearing in order on a directory listing.
The HAD image icon will add all the images, which is a great time saver since all the images are numbered and the names show which step is being done...
Except the images are added in reverse order. If I select all images, they are inserted into the instructions section last first.
Recommend you change the "multiple" image insert to insert the images in the correct sort order (ie - order in which they appear, when doing a multiple image insert).
Hi. I just finished putting together a ZX80 reproduction based on Cees Meijer’s project It would be nice if Hackaday had a mechanism to post “makes” to honor the author.
Needing help to complete the flashing of a scooter motor controller.
Anybody willing to help me flash and personalize a Lime scooter purchased from a tow yard lot of ugly broken scooters''''
Hi @Hans Soltz - you could try asking a question in the Stack or Hack Chat
I would like the dev team to add a "hide NSFW content" option, I saw things that I didn't really wanted to saw. I think I am not the only one asking for this.
Thanks in advance.
Hello hackers and makers, one problem I am facing is that since i have made my hackaday profile using my "yahoo email ID" the problem i am having is that i can log in to my account from desktop but when i want to log in on my android phone it say this email ID is not valid (this is not an email id). Does hackaday support only gmail id or there's some other issue that i am missing out. How can i solve this problem ?
are you trying to login in android chrome browser or the hackaday app?
I login on android chrome browser. Now its working iam able to login. It was not working from november 2021 to around april 2022 I dont know why.
Thanks sir for your reply 😃
Horizontal scroll of thumbnails on the main page in safari on iPhone works pretty weird and unusable
There are still some text overlap issues, but the scrolling on iPhone looks better now.
The notification dot appears when there is a notifiable event, but the dropdown list has stopped showing updates for a while now so doesn't display what the event was. Not that it matters much, I get notified by email so I know what the event was. But perhaps something worth looking into.
Is there any integration between GitHub and hackaday? It would be great to have an easy way to archive project pages from hackaday to GitHub repo(s), and/or vice versa - control the documentation changes using regular PR process on Github and pull them in for display here.
Having real trouble submitting a project to Planet_Friendy _Power
Have now started a new project twice, remade an old project... None of which gets accepted in submission.
Do I have to go through the process again starting at the Planet Friendly Power Page and re-writing ?
In the 'Add to contest' menu, select and submit to Hackaday Prize first, it should automatically add to Planet Friendly Power when submitted. Your Traveling project is successfully entered in both,
Is there a way to turn off the "notifications" thing? It's redundant and annoying.
Another strange bug, if I delete a file then upload a replacement with the same name, I get the old contents when I download. Unfortunately I didn't look into it further, and changed the name of the file in the upload. Maybe someone else has encountered this also.
Bizarre HaD buglet, dates rendered in Chinese sporadically:
Thanks looks like an issue with internationalization and the date rendering.
You guys really need to put countermeasures against spammers using webbots to flood the global feed. Many sites have some kind of points system where newbies start with a low post rate limit, and are bumped up by legit participation. Posts beyond the limit can go to personal feeds for any who happen to be following but won't appear in the global feed.
Is there a way to email a question to the designer/author of a Hackaday project? I am interested in building one of the HACKADAY projects, but there are several pieces of information missing from the write-up. James Robbins
Have you tried sending a private message to the hacker? No guarantee that they will read and respond though, the account may be abandoned.
For the past year, I've been seeing more and more projects that directly or indirectly promote famous PCB manufacturer services. Since last month, I'm seeing quite a lot of projects that are obvious promotion and are in no way Hackaday projects. I'm quite sure their authors are paid by these companies to promote their services but I have nothing to support my claim. Do Hackaday terms of use tolerate this kind promotion activity?
I wouldn't be half as annoyed if their posts actually provided information or value. Some of them are just rehashes of modules you can buy much cheaper off-the-shelf than making it yourself, so what's the point? One or two are actually dangerous like a transformerless mains dropper. Many are just rehashes of reference designs cribbed from datasheets. Many don't even provide design files to reproduce, probably because it's not the poster's design, they can't actually hack, they just grabbed it from a pool of old designs, as evidenced by the old versions of software used to create the design files. Then after posting a whole slew of "projects" they try to get them back on the front page by editing the project very slightly.
I hear what you are saying. I'll start a conversation about this and get back to you all with an answer.
Hi Richard. How's discussion progressing? Been already a month and I'm seeing more and more of those advertising projects. Since last week, I'm also seeing pure spam projects.
Agreed. The problem is largely due to YouTube paying content providers about 18c per ad view.
Many very poor people in third world countries have created (or more usually ripped off) very many poor quality project videos.
To get more clicks, they have created facebook member pages packed full of YouTube links, and facebook groups that are packed full of members and their posts. These groups do not have a no-spam policy. E.g. the group "Electronics projects" ( has an unfeasibly huge 1.1 million members.
It is pathetic and it buries all the legitimate posts in junk not worth wading through.
It looks like they now have their sites set on I think the only thing we can do is click the "Report as inappropriate" button and hope the admins can keep up. I'll start reporting a few and see what happens.
I've been reporting those projects since the first time I saw one but recently there is an important number of them and it looks like admins have difficulty to keep up: in recent projects, you can still find "Multilayer PCB at Cheap Prices from JLCPCB" from [Circuits DIY]. I believe explicit advertising/promotion of any kind should be forbidden on Hackaday projects. This would definitely increase admins work load so I wouldn't mind help in this matter.
One measure might be to impose a period based limit on the display of projects that are created or updated. Only a certain rate of updates per <time period> will go into the global feed, subsequent updates are not added to the feed when the limit has been reached. It could still go into the personal feeds for people who are actually interested. This will reduce incentive to make trivial updates to keep their "projects" visible. Maybe there could also be quotas per account, an account could only have so many items appear in the global feed in a given period.
The global feed is a resource that should be wisely utilised. I do think that making it pointless to flood the global feed space, while not censoring the content for people who are truly intested in the project or the account, will make the site more useful.
Like Facebook, this site allows you to like material with a thumbs-up emoji, but not dislike material. Maybe hackaday should have dislike with "thumbs down" emoji, and "really hate" with a poo emoji. The latter would let the poster know it isn't welcome, and alert the admins to abuse.
Related is the issue of more and more electronics and related industries trying to get attention by posting announcements or news some thinly disguised as user guides. They have some value to those who might want to hear of new products, but only to a select audience. Perhaps a section of the website should be designated News which registered members can opt-in to follow. It shouldn't be possible to post there directly, but moderators would reclassify posts and "projects" to move them there.
In some instances people even copied part of my blog. I reported several cases but never received feedback and I am also not sure whether anything happened.
The topic of the "guerilla marketing" campains are often PCBs, where it is quite transparent and still somewhat acceptable. There is also a lot of content from "neopixel"-competitors who want to promote their own products. This is often less obvious and open. Generating Youtube traffic, like mentioned above, may also be a topic but I had not noticed it much so far.
We're aware of a handful of users that are basically copy pasting content from other sites. The content is primarily intended to either build backlinks or create referrals. Although it doesn't clearly fall under our terms of use (unauthorized advertising/spam), it also isn't being posted for the benefit of the community. I'd rather it be very clear what isn't allowed. I'm going to be publishing an update from legal, contacting accounts, and then move forward from there.
Thanks for your update. If, as a Hackaday member, I can help with something please feel free to let me know.
Richard, not intending to put pressure or sound impatient but any update? I'm sure you've confirmed by yourself that projects just aiming to promote PCB manufacturers keep increasing and recently there was even a project reviewing a commun through hole resistor, promoting the manufacturer but also a PCB manufacturer at the same time.
Richard, any update? Another month has passed and contentless projects, advertising projects, spam projects are still growing. :(
Admins are going through a list we are compiling and taking action on an individual basis. I don't have a date and they won't all be gone overnight.
Thank you for the update Richard. Are you considering to implement measures to prevent posting of those advertising projects/contentless projects in the future (revision of Hackaday terms of use, review of projects before publishing, temporary unpublishing projects with multiple report until admins review, etc.)?
I am unable to upload or edit files, for several days now. Is there a technical issue?
There was an issue (below) that was resolved, are you still having problems editing or uploading to the files section?
Yes, still no uploading or editing files. Started a dummy project and invited you as a contributor, to see if it is just me or not.
Is anybody else having this problem? I guess not everyone, otherwise it would be a major problem. Is it limited to particular browsers, users, or just me?
Very upset with the code of conduct and imposition of speech codes on the open source and hacker communities. Something needs to be done about this.
If you can provide a little more context it would be helpful.
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Using the image gallery on chrome on android is a major PITA. Each swipe to a new image is a new page on the stack and requires you to go back through all the images to get back to your spot in the feed.