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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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Hmm, that seems to be missing from the notification settings here:, I'll put in a ticket for that.
Those settings look like email notifications. I was thinking more of the My Feed notifications on
oh, in that case - you should be able to toggle that in the feed settings. There is a cog icon next to the 'myfeed/global' switch. In there you can deselect 'lists'. That should do it. You may still get messages when a member you follow starts following a list.
OK, great. But does that also filter when a project is added to a list?
Yes, I think it filters out any list activity. OK, I see what you mean now. It doesn't really make sense that you should be notified when someone new follows a list you follow. I will ask for it to be tweaked.
just got a cryptic private message from at + stillonhunt
May want to keep an eye on them:
"Hello I will Like to learn more from you ... No knowledge is Lost am wiling to learn from you If you are willing to teach me more .."
Got the same message. Spammer? The person doesn't follow any of my projects nor gave me any skulls etc. So why message me if you think my projects are so unworthy?
Thanks for letting us know. I will send them a message and see what they are about.
If a member does something you think we should keep an eye on, you can report as inappropriate on their profile page and leave a comment. Doing that allows us to see multiple reports for each user, so helps us determine if they are a nuisance or not. Thanks!
I got a follow and skull from Aleksandar Bradic a couple of days ago. I got the "follow" E-mail, but not the "skull" E-mail. Was this an error in your system?
I can post the "follow" E-mail header if you need it.
Both announcements on my feed here (about 3 days ago):
(And yes, my settings are OK, and I've received follows and skulls both before and after Aleksandars')
I don't know who this Aleksandar Bradic guy is - probably some enigmatic, shadowy figure who hangs out on the boards for kicks. He's hacker #1 in the .io list: :-)
Hello Peter, at the moment we don't email every single notification. It used to be that you'd only get one per hour, I think we've increased that now to one per minute, but you'll still only get the first notification if there are a few actions happening in quick succession. At some point we'll make it so that you can choose 'as they happen' or a digest. It's on our list of things to do.
Re: Aleksandar Bradic - Maybe you missed this post - ? :)
Hope that explains.
I noticed that in the view, when you have a new follower, there are no entries listed on the myFeed web page. The top right "Feed" icon is updated with the corresponding red number on it, but you can not see in the myFeed page a message about who just started following you. Also, when you are going to your profile page,<your_HaD_username>, you can see the number of your followers has increased.
It would be nice to be also notified in the myFeed page as well, with the username of the new follower, not only by the number written over the "Feed" icon.
I still don't know if this happens when you have a follower for a specific project, or when someone start following you.
Do you think you can add an entry in the web page too, please?
Hi RoGeorge, I think we've got some feed improvements coming, so we may be able to work out adding more follow notifications then, but there should be the standard updates in your feed for skulls & follows.
You might want to check your feed settings - look for the cog next to the 'my feed/global' toggle. If you have 'Updates to my profile' or 'Updates to my projects' unchecked the follows and skulls won't show.
The red number is for the number of new feed items, not necessarily just follows or skulls. You can click on the followers icon on you profile page to see alist of your followers e.g.
It also works for projects e.g.
Thanks for feedback!
A question about the weekly prizes. I won two Stickvise based on two project entered into the competition. I claimed them both, but received shipment confirmation just about one.
1. It happened by mistake, or this is by the rules, that I can get only one?
2. It would be an improvement to the store engine to allow to add more than one coupon codes into a single order. This can lower your shipment costs.
I had the same question about shipping, but I got two Teensy boards in two boxes, so you should get two.
I was really hoping to have multiple prizes to arrive in one box because each of them is over the $20 Canadian duty threshold. There is an processing fee of close to $10 Canadian per package before the duty. Ouch. That's going to be costly.
@K.C. Lee so paying 10 CAD for 60 USD (u got 2 stickvises, right?) worth? still a bargain, as long as you want them. If not, I'm in Toronto this weekend, If you're near I could buy one off from you for let's say 10 CAD ;)
I won 3 stickvises. So each of the $29 US stickvise is going to cost me $10 Canadian plus about $1 of duty. That huge admin overhead is killing me here. I'll wait to see if they can fix the store instead. That'll help with their shipping cost too (Also if I win additional prizes...)
But if you have to pay a fine for one package, why don't you order three in a row, or is this somehow not working? What do you want to have fixed in the store? Hope you don't mind me asking. I'm sure @Jasmine will pass this on.
Just as SUF said in #2 list: "It would be an improvement to the store engine to allow to add more than one coupon codes into a single order." That would be a major improvement for me.
So far I have won 4 prizes that are taxable. So if I can lump them together in a single shipment, I would only pay $10 admin total instead of $40. Duty wise, I lose the $20 deductions on each additional item as the exemption amount is per package, so I actually going to be paying more to the taxman, but much less for the paperwork.
if they could be marked as gifts/prizes/samples at $0 it would help, whatever is legal. Still very happy with my prizes.
Very good point.
>No tax applies to items specified as non-taxable importations. Examples of non-taxable importations are:
>medals, trophies, and other prizes won outside Canada in competition (but not saleable goods, such as an automobile);
If the prizes could be marked as such with a big congratulation sticker. Not sure if they fall under saleable goods.
Gfits to/from companies are not eligible to classify as gifts.
I sent an e-mail to the store asking them, but i didn't get a reply after i paid approx usd$ for my lightblue bean. I am not sure if i got the wrong address for them. Maybe you could try @K.C. Lee
Hello Everyone,
if you have multiple coupons email with details and we'll work something out to combine them.
Unfortunately, we're unable at the moment to differentiate between prizes and regular items when filling out the customs forms. Also, the shopping cart system is not flexible enough to allow more than one coupon. I'll investigate other options.
@SUF - you should've got confirmation for both orders as their treated separately.
@haydn jones - I'll take a look for your message, sorry if it went unanswered.
We're working to improve a lot of aspects of Hackaday Store logistics, especially shipping. Please bear with us.
Keep on winning those prizes!
Thanks, can you ask the store to look at my 2 orders in at the moment, i haven't had shipping confirmation yet but they are both prizes. I sent the message to that address on may 29th.
I am curious why some of the projects (new ones) don't have a view count?
e.g. There are more.
I hear those view-counts are actually manually-entered and only after it reaches some threshold...
I also interested in this, because on some of my projects looks like it is abandoned, it is ok if it not followed or skulled, but highly unlikely that nobody seen it.
Our project is missing a lot of data because of this :(
threshold is 50, if I remember correctly. Meaning 50 not-the-same / unique persons, with or without an account here.
hey guys - just an "official" ;) update on this: view counts are shown only if a project has more than 50 views. As of today, view counts are updated daily (finally :))
The editor keeps deleting the image size/position attributes.
To reproduce: Start a build log, enter some lines of text, and insert an image in the middle (ie - text before and after the image).
Set the image to float right and size to half the display width. The text should float left, side-by-side with the image.
Go to the end of the text and delete some chars as if correcting the typo. The image pops back to full size and centered - the positioning and size information is gone.
This is especially curious because the image is located several words before the text deletion point. I had thought you're indicating image attributes with inline special chars or something, but the deletion gets them even if the cursor isn't positioned at the image.
Hello Peter, what browser and os are you using? I'll put in a ticket for this. Thanks for letting us know.
Chrome on Windows XP. The Chrome install is completely vanilla - no plugins or anything.
Randomisation seems off on the prize voting, keep seeing the same projects (some 20+ times) and not finding ones want to vote for. May just be luck of the draw.
Hey Haydn, It's not completely random as it has to take into account projects that are newly submitted. The way it's set up now, recently added projects are shown more often so at the end of the round the views are more even no matter when you submitted. Hope that explains a little.
Hey Jasmine, just out of curiosity, do you have something that prevents your own project from showing in the voting when you are logged in as yourself?
This might stop people from frantically refreshing while they try to vote for their own projects :P
I'm pretty sure this came up last year and we made it so you can't vote on your own project. However, I'll double check.
Mini mini minor bug - When I sort my projects by "latest update", the newest one without any updates is last, but feels like it should be first.
Cheers Dave. I see what you mean. I'll put in a ticket for this.
I think it would be useful to have a menu bar along the top or side of the project page to directly go to different parts of the project, (details, build logs, instructions, etc..). It does help to have the individual sections concatenated, to make it easier to scroll around, but I think have the menu buttons would help.
Hey Peter, funny you should mention that. Our team is working on some new designs for various parts of the site, and this is one of the things they are going to add to improve the ux. Stay tuned.
I made a new build log last night, and (because I'm paranoid) looked for it in the global feed this morning.
The build log indicates that it was modified 15 hours ago, but the global feed shows 13 hours ago. Is one of them in Eastern time (my local time) and one of them in Pacific (your location) perhaps?
Hello Peter. I'll get someone to test this out. Thanks for letting us know.
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Hello Hisham,
1. I can see 4 images for Should there be more? What file type are they?
2. Can you link to a project log where this is happening or have you deleted it? Is the formatting toolbar still not showing for you?
3. For the components list, are you unable to edit it once you've clicked on the 'Edit Components' button? Maybe you can send me a screenshot?
I tried these actions on one of my projects in Chrome, and can't replicate. I'll see if one of our testers can. Is anyone else having these issues? We'll try and work it out.
Let us know if it is somehow resolved. I know sometimes things go a little hinky temporarily when we do a release.
[this comment has been deleted]
Hi there,
I got some issues with my projects' gallery. For example, I'm trying to add a picture for my Smartlet project, it loads the picture but instead I get a dark grey empty image, when I then try to open the gallery and view the full size image the following appears:
An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #30.56d77a5c.1432554628.fdbf422
Thanks for checking.
Cheers, Mick
Hello Mick, can you provide a link to an image where this is happening? Cheers.
Hi Jasmine, unfortunately I could not replicate the issue after a few hours.
Thanks anyway for the support ;)
I think it was just a glitch during a release. Glad it's stopped now.
I write my documentation in Markdown, convert it to HTML, and copy-paste it into the HAD project site. Works great...until I edit again. Then all the formatting goes to hell. Specificially, I have some verbatim code and command examples embedded in the text. When I go to edit the text using the web site's editor, the entire section of code I pasted becomes the verbatim font. Here's my project, the issue occurs with the "details" section:
Hey n2mpm.
If you are logged in as crew, you should be able to see [Edit hackerspace - Delete hackerspace] at the top of the page above the name of the hackerspace.
If that's not showing, PM me and we'll sort it out together.
We don't alter member generated content. We can hide it if needs be (we rarely do this unless it's spam).
For projects you should have the ability to upload files (unless I just can't find this feature). I just started a new schematic, and I think that there should be a very low barrier for getting it to the community.
Hello WimbledonLabs, this is something we are planning to add, but for the time being most people link to files on github, google drive, or dropbox. Thanks for your feedback.
Please update FUBAR labs location . We are now in New Brunswick NJ. and if i can actually change it i see no way to do it. Thanks!
It looks like the hackerspace was created under the n2mpm account - do you still have access to it? You'd be able to edit with that account.
All the info about hackerspaces is put up by the Crew. If you are the creator of the hackerspace page, you can go in and edit the location.
I'm getting a redirect when trying to access "Junkyard Hydrogen Fuel Cell" using Firefox,
To reproduce, run Firefox and paste the URL above into the location bar. It immediately redirects to a fuel-cell explanation page which is not the page, but probably a link from somewhere within that page.
Firefox has no problem with other project pages.
Hello Peter, we'll see if we can reproduce it. Thanks.
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How could I get rid of "user started following list" messages when I'm following a list?