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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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Do you mean the badges? Like you have for the 2014 Hackaday Prize on your profile page?
something lke the event badge for "The Gathering LA2014".
That's strange. It's not happening for me.
@FLAGG, what platform are you using, and is it happening for every stack item?
Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Could be that the page wasn't fully-loaded before you clicked the upvote button... I learned this the hard-way. Happens also with the Follow/Skull buttons and more. I hear it's something to do with 'bot-prevention.
How does a HackerSpace set up a project ? Right now, only individuals can. For example, [] is a project by [] and not my individual project. I can add team members, sure, but the project as a whole needs to be "attributed" to the Group and not one person.
Hey Anool, that would be great. However, we haven't got that functionality yet.
I do think we'd still want a main contact person for the project even if it is attributed to a group.
I'll make a note so we can consider this when we improve the Hackerspaces part of the site.
Thanks for raising this!
Strange issue with messages. Got prize messages from @Mike Szczys, but his tab was marked as sending me the last messages 7days ago and buried down the page. The messages them selves said 10hours ago, which was well before the article was posted so may not be right, and I didn't get the usual e-mails.
PS. Thanks :)
I did send the messages before the post ran (maybe 3.5 hours earlier)
Thanks for reporting the issue of not showing up on the top of the message list and not receiving an email. I'll look into it.
Very strange, I see it as a sent message 13 hours ago. I also just sent you another message. Will you please go and check to see if you're receiving them? Thanks!
The same thing here - I've seen you message accidentally when opened Private Messages - no notification, no red highlight on the icon...
I didn't get an email also. I finally got the link on the message board, it came in as already read, so I didn't notice it until haydn jones mentioned it here. Otherwise, thank you!!!:):):)
Also, the coupon code isn't working for the "free shipping," which in my case is double :( Is there a way to combine them for shipping?
I'll kick myself if there's a simple answer to this. I'm trying to add simple html tags - adding a URL to specific text using <ahref="url"> text </a> - and it just doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong ?
PS : This is in the Project Description box. HTML works fine in the Project Log
over at this project :
Hey Anool, the description only allows plain text. We often use it for summaries and other snippets. Links can be added in the details or external links. Hope that explains.
ok, got it. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something dumb
One thing keeps annoying me, I'm trying to add code to my project page and the code contains domain names (without the "http://" infront). Whenever I click "Publish" all of my domain names turn into hyperlinks, which is annoying but harmless, but also "http://" gets added to the domain names in the code which breaks my code. Anyone who wishes to try my code, will find that it doesn't work. It would be cool if hyperlinks were disabled in the code boxes or turn off the automatic conversion to hyperlinks for any web address it finds inside project logs or project descriptions. Would be nice if I could use the code box feature.
Hey JohnnyD, that is a little irritating. I've put in a ticket for this with our Devs, so it's on the list of things to do. Thanks!
Hey is this kind of profile ok? Personally I don't want this kind of content on hackaday at all.
I'll get rid of this one. However, if you see profiles or projects that you think are inappropriate, please report them using the 'Report as inappropriate' link. Thanks.
rofl, I wonder which Hotel that was. It's prolly five minutes from where I am !
One UX thing, when I want to click follow and skull (almost) the same time, it's kind of annoying when the related projects pop up - would be cool if they would show below the skull button :)
Can't believe that you are our event in LA and still finding time to give feedback here! We'll add this to the list.
Anyone else want to see what's going on in LA? Livestream here:
More info:
was trying to play with the new API today, had a question. Is this the right place to ask about that? I'm new to using APIs, forgive my ignorance. I wanted to just put a counter on my site that shows how many skulls/followers one of my projects has. The API appears to require user authentication, under the assumption that my website is a web-app with users (it is not, just a static site). Digging around and looking at how twitter's API works it looks like they have something called application-only authentication for API requests to public stuff. It seems like that is what I am trying to do with Hackaday's API but don't see an example of how to do that in the documentation. Any suggestions appreciated, thanks!
Hey Alex, It's great that you're playing with the API. I think we are going to make a project for API discussions and so people can post up what they're doing with it. Regarding your question, one of the Devs will respond to you here soon, or let you know where the project is. Cheers.
Hey Alex, after you register you app you'll get API key that you can use for read-only endpoints. You can find your API key here
After that all you have to do is to send this request with your API key
You can use this project for API related questions or feel free to PM me.
Hey, I found two little things:
I am on the lastest Opera btw.
1) When I hover over my profile pic in the top right corner, I get a list including a link to "My Profile". Moving the mouse to the link using the shortest path, the list collapses, as I shortly leave its scope. Could you extend the scope or add a short delay before collapsing the list. It happens to me each time I visit this page.
2) On my profile, there is a list of "PROJECTS I LIKE & FOLLOW". Some of the projects have a small badge from HAD-Prize 2014. Hovering over the images gives a nice animation. EXCEPT for those that have this badge.
Hey Nippey, we'll look into both of these. Thanks for pointing them out.
@Jasmine, Can I please be taken off the Atmel Lists at and
Not that I mind (I like Atmel), but it seems unfair to other people who put hard work into real Atmel projects.
Atmel maintain there own list and wanted you on it :) Which project was it?
@haydn jones, I should have regarded it more of a privilege! #Driverless Mouse and Keyboard Sharing
Hey frankstripod, I've removed #Driverless Mouse and Keyboard Sharing from the Atmel Parts list. Please note the Atmel/Freescale/Microchip/TI Parts lists are catch-all lists for any projects using those parts. Cheers.
I received one of those "time to officially submit your project" emails, regarding this project -
which is not a project I am in any way affiliated with.
looks like this is a common issue, just letting you know.
Thanks for letting us know. I think we've resent the email with the correct details now. Have a great weekend.
Bug: I'm the owner of "Improve the Bosch-Haber Process", project 1646.
I just got the E-mail announcement "tagged 2015HackadayPrize but has not yet been officially submitted", but for someone *else's* project.
In fact, my project *is* submitted, so I have to assume that the owner of the project my E-mail refers to has not received his E-mail.
His project is:
I think there was a hitch, so you may get another email, but probably not if you have already officially submitted. Thanks for letting us know though.
Mike said he fixed it and resent, and I didn't get the new version so I assume it's straightened out.
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Hello Tero. I'm afraid you have to sign in via the same method you signed up originally. If you use your github account to login it will create another account on Let me know if you need more info.
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I'd also be interested into login via github. Originally I also registered with mail/pw.
Would be cool to make "added contributor" an option for the feed settings.
the stacks input process keeps mangling the url:
very interesting...
ul.submissions-icons is too large when inside of div.section-skull-and-like-projects, taking up more space than the actual `li.submission-icon`s. This makes it hard to click on the actual project.
A lot of projects are full of spelling errors which distract from their content. Is it possible to add a basic spell checker to the text editor?
Don't spell checker come with everything now? With browsers and operating systems?
We are unlikely to add a spell checker to the editor, as people tend to prefer to use the one on their browser. Thanks.
Hm, I don't think the feed update counter counts according to the feed settings.
The user menu (your icon in the menubar) is nearly impossible to find for users without avatars. How about you add an icon as a fallback?
The default icon is a little subdued. I've added this to our list of improvements. Thanks
Also, maybe it would be nice not to use gravatar (which seems to be used only for default icons.)
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Are those event labels for hackers still a thing? I'm wondering because sometimes I see them occasionally. Could be interesting for managing events as well ;) But I mostly wonder why there is none for the hackaday munich event.