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I'll look into this, thanks for the recommendation.
My GitLab page with Mastodon link to compare:
Is it possible to unlink my account from Twitter/X? Or to search this project discussion for anyone else asking the same question?
I can unlink twitter, are you able to login with email currently?
I cannot add any more photos to my writeup and I cannot align the photos in the editor in a way that sticks and is predictable. IMHO Microsoft Word is a better experience.
I know people with vision issues who prefer dark theme because it provides higher contrast than black on white. You of course can still hate it (I in fact am not a fan) but don’t blame it on contrast.
This dangerous project should be removed. He will set Halloween costumes on fire.
Does anyone else routinely reply to comments by: {type reply in text entry box below the comment; post reply; select-copy reply text; delete comment; click tiny gray-on-black "reply" link; paste copied reply; reply} ? won't let me save the profile if there is no Twitter link. Yes, that's correct, there is none, I never had any, and will never have it, either.
It would be nice to be able to remove it, or leave it empty. Hopefully, just a GitHub profile would be sufficient.
I'll check that for you, maybe something is stuck. Thanks for also reminding me we need to update it to X... :(
Is there a way for me to clear out "ghost followers" on some of my projects, or if that's not possible, reset the follower count to 0? (and then the ones that actually want to follow the project can re-follow)
I get a notification when a user follows, and usually the follow:like ratio is roughly 1:1. However, some of my projects have hundreds of followers that I've never been notified about, despite only have single-digit likes (that I'm always notified about), which makes it seem like these "followers" are either a bug or bots. I looked into some of these followers and they follow projects that have high follow counts, with some where the amount of views == the amount of follows.
How about providing a way to "like" or generally acknowledge a log entry for a followed project? Sometimes I want to simply ding a bell that I've read a new log for a ongoing project and appreciate that my fellow hacker persists at something that's taking more than two weeks. I know I can leave a comment, but a succession of "I appreciate that you're persisting at something that's taking more than two weeks" comments would have progressively decreasing snr vs just a counter to bump.
Here's a weird bug: On my page , the links associated with the comments point to a different project e.g. However clicking on the link doesn't go to that project but back to the same page, but at the top, not the comment.
Yep looks like a bug on pages comment links, thanks.
It got more bizarre, now it ostensibly points to a different page but still takes one back to the same page. It seems that the website only uses the page ID to reach the destination page and the text after that is ignored. Unfortunately the discussion ID is also dropped so it cannot land on the actual comment.
Hey Hackaday, possibly a niche problem, but I'd love to be able to replace broken image tags in place. Dragging a file over a broken img tag highlights the same as a working image, but dropping the file does nothing. I'd expect it to replace the src of the target element with the uploaded file, but this doesn't happen.
This is because I write my articles externally in markdown, then copy the rendered HTML into the online editor. It works great for text formatting, but with images I currently have to go through every one, copying the alt text, deleting the element, dragging the file into the now vacant spot, and reapplying the alt text. It would be a lot quicker to drag files onto the img tags without recreating them.
Maybe other people aren't writing 7000 word articles with 40 images in them though 😅
The Z80-MBC3 is a DESIGN, an upgraded version with similar characteristics as the other single board computers, including the predecessor : the Z80-MBC2 which has been on Hackaday for more than four years. So there is no argument to exclude an upgraded and modified DESIGN from another user.
As the Z80-MBC2 which also an advertorial for the kits that Just4Fun sells and posted links here on Hackday. He describes it here, on Facebook, on Github, and various other places like :
The italian shop is not mine, nor one from Just4Fun himself. But the Z80-MBC2 ( the older version ) is a commercial product, as any other "kit" is a bundle of components offered for sale with which the buyer can finish it to a usable device. This publication is INFORMATION about the updated and revised design of the older design. Therefore it has INFORMATIVE value to people who are interested in building devices with kits.
Lutetium thinks that there is a principle difference between the Z80-MBC2 and the Z80-MBC3 . There isn't. The latter is simply an updated and enhanced version of the older (MBC2) one.
Which link are you complaining about and is the one that you are rejecting ? I don't see any links in the latest version of my Z80-MBC3 project here. So what do you mean with "link dumpung". Hackaday invites to add a whole range of links, but I did not use these.
I just checked the 'hackerspaces map' (/hackerspaces) here for spaces near Seattle and it seems like half the spaces listed are only user accounts and one points to a broken link. Is there a maintainer for the hackerspaces map?
We don't actively curate the hackerspaces, but they can be removed if reported, do you remember the broken link you found?
Hello Richard thanks for the response.
I emailed back but no response there.
The visits are not me atleast 80% of them.
I do not visit my files online. I edit them local and post them.
85 views ? Also without visiting i can see how many views if im logged on. from all my projects.
These are not me veiwing my files.
I'm not saying you're wrong, there could be other reasons for the view count.
For example, here is one of my private projects, visiting says 'Page not found', but the server still sees the project path was visited.
But it's not other users/accounts viewing your content. They can't see it.
I have a question about security of private projects. Why do I have 85 views? also the views continually gain in amount slowly.
Hey I see how that looks confusing. It's including your own and any authorized contributors visits across any of the private projects pages. I'll check to see if it can be adjusted to not do that, but we haven't filtered these historically.
I would be nice if some javascript or serverside image scaling was added, most of my pictures taken with my mobile phone (Pixel6pro) is larger then 5MB making it a real hassle to add images to my project, instead of just adding them from my pone I need to get them over to my computer and rescale them. This make me less eager to add pictures at all and I add less pictures, and that is a pity, I assume this would be true for most new phones.
I hope there would be some simple rescale/repack JPG library that you could easily embed in the upload image workflow. If so it would be really helpful. Thanks for the site.
Just install the imageshrink app which is free on your phone. It's also useful for scaling photos to send by other means.
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Mastodon requires to have rel="me" in the link back to Mastodon in order to show the link to the website as verified - GitLab already doing that, but Hackaday shows external links as
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">
can you please add me to the rel-list like rel="me nofollow noopener" ? Thanks !