
Successful Prototype Test

A project log for KAPCOM

Yet another hardware controller for Kerbal Space Program. Leveraging Telemachus, Python and Arduino to drive joysticks, buttons and displays

lawnmowerlattelawnmowerlatte 04/05/2015 at 05:510 Comments

Tonight I was able to test the full prototype and I have to say that I'm very pleased with the results.

I plugged in the controller and ran and the displays all worked right out of the bat and displayed data from Kerbal Space Program.

The joysticks had a slight problem, the fly-by-wire command wasn't sent. That was a quick fix.

I had some more problems with the mod inputs — I had to rejigger some things internally as well as change the Pin class to allow value inversion. Once these were sorted, those work as expected.

The other LED buttons were a bit harder to diagnose. I had incorrectly wired the pins up so nothing was where I expected it. I had to mess around with the configuration file and invert these buttons too. I also had some unexpected errors from parsing the JSON which were always my fault. In the end I got them working.

The bargraphs are being stubborn, but it's possible the traces are still not working well for those. I'm not going to fret about those until I get the PCBs in.

Some remaining issues:

All in all, I'm really happy with the testing so far. Definitely have some work left to do to make everything nice and smooth. On a side note, I wrote a quick Python script to check for dependancies and started one to generate configuration files.
