

A project log for KAPCOM

Yet another hardware controller for Kerbal Space Program. Leveraging Telemachus, Python and Arduino to drive joysticks, buttons and displays

lawnmowerlattelawnmowerlatte 05/07/2015 at 04:140 Comments

I've been busy playing Kerbal Space Program for once and haven't been working too actively on the project. Tonight I decided to fire up PyCharm and did a bit of work. I found PyAutoGUI which does cross platform keyboard input.

It seems like it'll work, but I'm still not 100% happy since I don't know if this will work when I eventually use a Raspberry Pi and set up a fully remote controller. Then again, I have the same problem with the trackball, so I'll have to learn with both issues at some point. Perhaps some creative use of Synergy.

I have been trying to get my throttle handles printed, but the library has been having some problems. First it was the extruder, now it's the print bed. Hopefully I'll have better luck on Friday.
