Building a semi analogue weather station with Arduino, spark fun weather shield and four servos.
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I added the part 3 - the arduino code
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Cool project. How's the motion of the servos? I've always found them quite jerky for gauges, but they might be alright with a good S-curve speed profile.
"Bodenständigkeit trifft auf Elektronik" - This is a nice project for sure, will there be plans for powering from an outlet additionally?PS: Die Latex-Files sind hammer ^^
I'm waiting for the watch handles to arrive ;)
Really great built ;)
But you should so something with the Pointers on the scales ;)
Perhapps you could glue black paper on them to increase visibility ;)
Best regards, Stefan
Hari Wiguna
Rick Smith
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I added the part 3 - the arduino code