
Added some status LEDs / feedback

A project log for Arduino-Compatible FPGA Shield

Spartan 6 FPGA Shield includes SPI Configuration Flash, Breakout Headers, SRAM, programmable from Arduino or SPI Programmer

technolomaniactechnolomaniac 05/06/2014 at 18:160 Comments

I went ahead and added feedback from the fpga DONE pin via the addition of a status LED.  Also added a jumper that enables that feedback to be sent back to the Arduino board.  The jumper gives the option to route the DONE pin to the Arduino via Digital Pin # 7 on the Arduino connector, or for the addition of another FPGA - Arduino Digital IO connection.  If no Arduino board is attached, status will still be displayed via LED and if the LED is undesirable (i.e. inside a case or such) simply DNP.  

As an alternative, there is a second connection to the DONE pin via a testpoint added to the board and the addition of a dual non-inverting buffer, the SN74LVC2G34DCKR.  This should make it (relatively) easy to push this "up" to another board I might have hanging off of this one (e.g. some other non-Arduino MCU board I might have sitting on the desk).
