I wrote a I2C library for the Raspberry Pi. It's done via WiringPi library.
I wrote an example how to read out a MPU 6050 accellerometer + gyro. So this would be a good start to learn how to use my I2C library.
The new source code is available on my Nano VM GitHub repo.
Here is the short example program:
// i2clib.nanoc // // reads i2c port with shared library // Stefan Pietzonke 2017 func main () lint null = 0; lint one = 1; qint _fd = 0; lint _dll; lint _setup; lint _writereg8; lint _readreg8; string dllname[256] = "libi2c.so"; string i2csetup[256] = "i2c_setup"; string i2cwritereg8[256] = "i2c_writereg8"; string i2creadreg8[256] = "i2c_readreg8"; int gyroskop_xout; int gyroskop_yout; int gyroskop_zout; int accel_xout; int accel_yout; int accel_zout; #NESTED_CODE_ON; // open libi2c.so library in nanovm/lib directory lopen (_dll, dllname); // set function handles lfunc (_dll, _setup, i2csetup); lfunc (_dll, _writereg8, i2cwritereg8); lfunc (_dll, _readreg8, i2creadreg8); // init module MPU 6050 #ATOMIC; pushtostack (&68); lcall (_dll, _setup); get (_fd, >); #ATOMIC_END; // print "_fd: ", _fd; printn one; // setup MPU 6050 #ATOMIC; pushtostack> (_fd, &6B, 0); lcall (_dll, _writereg8); #ATOMIC_END; @read_word_2c (_fd, &43); get (gyroskop_xout); @read_word_2c (_fd, &45); get (gyroskop_yout); @read_word_2c (_fd, &47); get (gyroskop_zout); @read_word_2c (_fd, &3B); get (accel_xout); @read_word_2c (_fd, &3D); get (accel_yout); @read_word_2c (_fd, &3F); get (accel_zout); print "gyroskop"; printn one; print "x: ", gyroskop_xout; printn one; print "y: ", gyroskop_yout; printn one; print "z: ", gyroskop_zout; printn one; printn one; print "accelleration"; printn one; print "x: ", accel_xout; printn one; print "y: ", accel_yout; printn one; print "z: ", accel_zout; printn one; printn one; printn one; exit null; funcend func read_word_i2c (qint fd, int reg) int h; int l; int value; #NESTED_CODE_ON; // print "fd: ", fd; printn 1; #ATOMIC; pushtostack (reg, fd); lcall (_dll, _readreg8); get (h, >); #ATOMIC_END; reg = ++; #ATOMIC; pushtostack (reg, fd); lcall (_dll, _readreg8); get (l, >); #ATOMIC_END; value = h << 8 + l; return (value); funcend func read_word_2c (qint fd, int reg) int val; int f; int ret; @read_word_i2c (fd, reg); get (val); f = val >= &8000; if f; ret = 65535 - val + 1; ret = 0 - ret; else; ret = val; endif; return (ret); funcend lab pushtostack; #ASSEMB rts; #ASSEMB_END
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