Keep in mind I am not an engineer, nor have i attended college.
Well some college, but that was for Psychology and this isn't related to that (Fraiser radio show, hehe get it? err sorry anywho).
This if for hackers like myself, who want to learn and play in the rf waves.I'd like to help make a decent introduction to this exciting technology.
The internet has become more difficult to find specific information, and we often find ourselves lost while researching, lost within links and ad's. These Links then lead to forums, which lead us to dead websites which starts this wild goose chase sitaution, which discourages most. Lets chop out surfing the world wide web, and get surfing the Software Defined Radio. This information is intended fpr the novice hacker.
Ultimately i hope to share my SDR mods,experience and research and provide a better introduction to a play environment for both hardware and software aspects of the SDR.
Keeping in mind im not an engineer, my builds may be useless, or worse may be incorrect or harmful to your radio. So if you try something I have posted/suggested/speculated and it ends up kills your radio, harms you, or pets I urge you to remember build at your own risk..
*Well I see people are interested, and I've never been good at addressing large crowds.. Especially in this case with a crowd of 50 Hackaday, Real life engineers/Hobbyist's.
...Well actually I'm good at public speaking in person presenting to a crowd.. However via my written (Typed?) words, i often don't feel intellectual and to plow past that, I will ignore my flaw and keep writing like the 27 year old college drop out, american workforce minion that I am.
Looks like you've accidentally created this project twice.