Foundry for melting aluminum, made from old helium tank.
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I tried melting some aluminum for the first time. It was a success! sort of.... First, I couldn't get it up to temperature. I burned through a whole tank of propane to figure out that my naturally aspirated burner wasn't pulling enough oxygen in... Out of desperation, I got my wife's hairdryer and propped it up to where it was blowing air down the burner pipe. This was a huge improvement! The aluminum became molten within 5 minutes, and I started feeding the rest of the scrap I had into it. But I guess it was working too good, because it burned a hole through my makeshift stainless steel crucible... I was alerted to this after hearing a bubbling noise that erupted as the molten aluminum engulfed the end of my burner... So for next time, I will get a better crucible and start off with a forced air setup.
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If you burned through your stainless, you either had an oxygen rich environment, or you could have started to make 'thermite'. :) I would avoid using steel as your crucible for AL.
It is highly unlikely you 'melted' the stainless with AL backing it up. You burned through by having too much oxygen available. An automotive oxygen sensor may give you a clue as to how much O2 you have left over. They work like a thermocouple and output a small voltage (after reaching operating temperature of several hundred degrees) For cars, that ideal voltage is 0.5v. Put one in your exhaust stream exiting the foundry. I don't think it would last too long in the flame.
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The oxygen issue is very important to solve if you want to burn it properly so you can take help from the type of platforms if you find any related article about it on this platform then it will become more easier for you.