
Ultra Safety Mark One

Time centered project completed at IEEE Hacks (2017 SDSU Hackathon)

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- Purpose: To aid Military servicemen with a safety, wearable embedded device.
- Senses danger in situations where a soldier may not be able to
- Has a variety of functions in addition to telling time in an attempt to innovate timekeeping devices

- Time: Includes a real time world clock that displays both the date time using an external clock module
- Tripwire: A small modular deployable security system to help ensure soldier safety.
- Buzzer: Used in the tripwire to notify when it has been activated
- Heart Rate Monitor: On and off the field deployable biometrics.

What is the utility/ purpose of it?
- Small, easily deployable device
- Modular format for additional biometric sensors
- Timekeeping
- Integration of utility, safety, and security is a compact design.
- Could be developed for child safety use.

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