Resources have been gradually decreasing, that is why man created of the concept recycling. Sure these recycle plants do save money by re-using resources, however is that truly efficient? Are the companies wasting more money than they are actually saving? Well in this project we have created a simple way of melting many metals used in the US, aluminum, copper and tin. Everyday I see many people eating a sandwich, wrapped in aluminum foil, or eating a cupcake with aluminum liners. Even juice pouches are using aluminum for carrying the delicious drink. Copper is used in our house with pipes, wire, phones etc. Tin, Soda! People drink gallons and gallons of soda. What are these cans made of? That's right, tin. We have been using so much aluminum, copper and tin that we lost the value of the metals. It can be used in other ways also, such as an emergency blankets and architectural infrastructure, however we waste the item on food products. We can, and should use this metal more wisely.
With our project, we can save the aluminum and use it for many other object which benefits us economically and naturally.
Plaster of Paris
Professional Grade; Dry Mix 25Lbs
Sakrete Natural Play Sand
Arena Natural; 50Lbs
10 Quart Steel Bucket
This will be used as a component of the Foundry
Table Cloth
Just used to keep stuff clean
2.5 Quart plastic bucket
Used to measure the ingredients