
Brieuc :

A project log for Raspberry Alarm Upgrade

In this Project, my 20 years old alarm system gets an upgrade, email and SMS warnings replace the old phone calling notification.

brieuc-du-maugourBrieuc du Maugouër 01/25/2015 at 01:391 Comment


Done :

The warning system is implemented and working

To do :

Correct software bugs

Troubleshoot the battery voltage monitoring

Upload code examples

Upload PCB schematics and layout


- add capacitors next to the Module

-change the SIM card slot location (the sma connector is blocking the slot)

-new battery watching interface

-improve component placement


Brieuc du Maugouër wrote 06/16/2015 at 14:39 point


That's not really challenging if you already have some electronic design skills. Simcom the company that sells the GSM module provides guidelines on their "Hardware design Guide". The software is really simple it's all python scripts on top of Linux.

I have a new PCB version currently being manufactured, I plan to publish all the design files as well as the software soon !

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