

A project log for Access B

Create applications in Visual Studio C# that can communicate with a 18F2550 and use it's peripherals

omarOmar 02/26/2015 at 21:160 Comments

Hi to all, I add links to project files of MPLABX and visual studio 2012, the C# program is made for test I2C communications, it is a mess because is for test purpose but it work.

Now I was thinking that the use of capture and compare modules may be have problems, those modules are for precise timming and with USB communications the precisition would be reduced, think about it, if you want to measure the time of some event capture module can be used, so you must sync the begin of that event with the habilitation of capture module, if we consider that the event would be started by the AccesssB we need send a command to start the event (start a timmer, set or clear a I/O pint, etc.) and then send another command for start the capture module that are the TX of two frames of 64 bytes plus the command process time in the PIC and the PC so if the event end before we can start the capture module then we never can measure the correct time, and if the event is started by another uC we need to monitor the start of the event with sequential readings of PORT registers to start the capture module when the event begin between 64 bytes frames the precistion is reduced.

The only solution I can think is implement a method that can take ASM code for the PIC and write to a empty program memory, so anyone can make his/her spesific function and write to the PIC and then execute that function whenever is needed, so the presition will be better.

I know that the PIC can give to the user access to program memory flash, but I need to read more about it and see if my idea can be done, so that will be the last think to do in my list.
