
Bridge era

A project log for PIC MCUs Based Homebrew Computer

The goal: to make a working computer, with a keyboard input, LCD Display output, a compiler and to have fun all the way. NEWBIE ALERT

davedave 08/21/2015 at 22:042 Comments


So just a quick update. Thank God the bridge connecting the two parts is working.

I'm displaying an old message on LCD - this time communicating via bridge.

Both parts are now leaning inwards, but that will be fixed when I'll get to it.

Let the pictures talk. (sorry, probably the worst quality so far)


frankstripod wrote 08/22/2015 at 04:33 point

I can never get enough pictures of this. Thanks for the update :)

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dave wrote 08/22/2015 at 13:34 point

Thanks for commenting. I really like messes of wires myself. I am leading a small documentation written on small pieces of paper heh so I know how to connect stuff. It's interesting how our brains work.  It can consider and understand one wire at the time.


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