Ever since I started selling the PD Buddy Sink, I've had people asking for it to do more than make a single request when it's plugged in. I realized that a full-featured development board would be a great way to support such ideas. Including a few extra goodies such as a switching regulator and several power MOSFETs, the PD Buddy Dev will serve as a single-board solution for all sorts of high-powered microcontroller projects using USB Power Delivery.
I was starting to work on the schematic for PD Buddy Dev, and found that KiCad's symbol for the microcontroller I want to use is about as wide as a sheet of letter paper. Um.
Seriously, it's ridiculous.
As it turns out, the KiCad library team is aware of this problem and has an open bug on their tracker about it. So I've been working on the Python script that generates KiCad's STM32 library to make it create better symbols, and to make it internally less messy. In the process, I'm splitting the library into separate libraries for each family of STM32 microcontrollers, because the single library is way too big (KLC says no library can have more than 250 parts). When I'm done, I'll send this to be included in the new library for KiCad 5, which I plan to start using for this project as soon as the first RC comes out.