
TFT LCD support added

A project log for carbt_v1

[DISCONTINUED] An inexpensive bluetooth music system for cars with lacking stereos.

hybridairHybridAir 03/24/2016 at 21:000 Comments

I have just finished the hardware part of integrating my 2.4" TFT LCD into this project. I am using the FBTFT project to drive it, and everything is working well so far. I created a simple startup animation thing to use as a proof of concept, which can be seen towards the end of the video. Video performance is not the greatest, but it's to be expected and is sufficient either way. Dimming functionality has also been added through the use of a potentiometer. Dimming may change or be removed later on, it depends on if I can source some good wheel potentiometers or a PWM IC alternative.
