
Getting connectors

A project log for Interfacing with Samsung Alias 2's e-ink keyboard

An unlikely to be finished project.

gertlexGertlex 07/27/2015 at 19:220 Comments

I've attacked various facets of the project very slowly over the past several months. Decided I needed to focus on listening in on the e-ink keyboard.

I've ruled out a bunch of possible connectors; there are quite a few from different manufacturers, but they're all incompatible, I think. Instead I have extra phones, and have been desoldering the connectors with a hot air rework station at work. It's quite tricky, though; I've salvaged 2 out of 6 connectors (2 on the main phone board, 1 on the LCD's PCB) from two phones.

For now, 2 connectors is all I need. My focus is going to be on getting PCBs made that let me monitor what's happening with the e-ink keyboard. That's probably my next step.

Current thinking: I'm going to make a pair of identical breakout boards that each have one of the board-to-board connectors on it, and then break out the 60 pins to two rows of 30 0.1" spaced thru-holes which will plug into a breadboard. This should give me plenty of room to test with. I might need to order more jumper wires though.
