
Minepeon Build

I love the Raspberry Pi so much I am trying to do all the projects one by one! This is the Raspberry Pi Bitcoin Miner build.

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I was reading an article online that you could use a Raspberry Pi to control some ASIC USB Bitcoin miners. I wanted to see how well it worked and if it could be profitable to run a rig like this.

ASIC USB Miner - I had six but used 4
Powered USB Hub
Raspberry Pi
16GB 10 speed SD card

Minepeon - Can be found here -

It was a very quick and easy thing to throw together and I let it run for a month straight. I am not wealthy from this in fact I am sure the electrical requirements caused me to not even break even. Running 4 miners I was able to hit a stable 2.97 GH/s.

I am thinking about building a solar power system for this and adding some more miners just to see if I can make a profitable miner out of this setup.
  • 3 × Sapphire 330MH/s ASIC USB Block Erupter
  • 1 × Bitmain Antminer 1.96 GH/s ASIC Block Erupter
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi
  • 1 × D-Link DSB-H4 Powered USB Hub
  • 1 × 16 GB 10 Speed SD Card

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Calegxm999 wrote 09/08/2020 at 23:15 point

how fast does this mien?

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ChangosMuertos wrote 03/20/2019 at 20:43 point


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