1. Control Button: Light LCD, ON/OFF Senseo, BIG cup coffee
2. LCD for Time and Status
3. RTC Module for get time
4. 2-Way-Relay to control buttons and split Arduino Vcc from Senseo Vcc with opto-coupler on Relay board
5. Arduino Mini Pro for control with code
6. PBC to connect modules
Love coffee and want to get one in morning without push one button, so i develop a control board. In next version it could get en ESP8266 to get Inet / wifi to control it.
I used a 2-Way-Relay-Board to trigger the buttons from automat.
I get an 220 Ohm resistor and copper cable to get connect.
Yeha, nice. Do you use BT? Or Wifi? I want to control it later over Wifi. I don´t want it start
too complicate, because i have other project, too. So i decide to use parts that i have, cheep, and for faster developing use better asia modules. The 1 and 2 version will not have feedback to controller, but for future it will be a good thing to work with Led.