
Ready to Prototype

A project log for CleanHawk 250 Quadcopter Power Distribution Board

Distribute power to all the things running on an Emax / Nighthawk 250 quadcopter

2bluesc2bluesc 03/03/2015 at 06:000 Comments

Ordered (10) PCBs from 2 different manufacturers to evaluate quality. I have one in mind for large volume runs but wanted a back-up plan so I ordered both in parallel. Hopefully they'll arrive next week or the following week.

All the components are ordered for prototyping and the first run. this is my first time with this much invested in inventory. Reels of expensive components are... well... expensive! Almost all the parts are coming from US distributors, so that gives me confidence in both time and performance of the components. Re-orders of components should be easy if this were to take off. Boards will have a longer lead time.
