
Cold and Hot Water!

A project log for Big Old Bus RV Conversion

Living in a 1962 Wayne Bus while converting it!

conradConrad 02/11/2015 at 21:300 Comments

Got water heater, hooked to extension cord and on top of my mini-fridge in this pic.

(Update 2-16-2015)

This weekend I moved the water heater to a more secure location on top of the wheel well, while it seems like that may not be a stable location, I attached a pallet to the top of curved well with some wood to metal screws and now I have great flat spot for the heater! Although it sits a little higher than I'd like, I intend to eventually build a cabinet or sink around it that should lower about 3 or 4 inches by removing the pallet a when I add a more secure frame and mount.
