Here is a snippet on how to play with the fix_fft in winamp. The reason for this is, it gives a good idea if it's worth the effort to implement in the Esp8266 ( which I think it is ;-). It's just a quick & dirty hack... to get a feeling.
Current goal :
* Sample with Esp8266 ADC in approximate 10kHz
* 8 bit fix_fft: 16 fft bin is enough ( but I'll probably calculate more, or use a filter ;-)
* Predict beat
Track active frequencies with histogram - predict beat
A different way to visualize rhythm - John Varney
* Make something fun..."synchronized party stuff"
Download Video as MP4
// By: David Overton
// vis_spectrum.cpp
winampVisModule waModule = {
1, // spectrumNch
1, // waveformNch
char g_real[600];
char g_imag[600];
int n=0;
// Get a grip on which ADC rate would be necessary
// Divide 44100/4 = 11025 sample rate
for( int i=0; i<576; i+=4 /* play with sample rate 1-9 */)
fix_fft(g_real, g_imag, 6/* 2^6 = number of FFT points */, 0);
for (int i=0; i<32/* number of bins = FFT points/2 */; i++)
// just a "scale factor" not much thought put into it.....
g_real[i] = 8.6*( (sqrt((float)g_real[i] * (float)g_real[i] + (float)g_imag[i] * (float)g_imag[i])));
HBRUSH NewBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 255));
HBRUSH hbrushOld = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(Plugin.hMemDC, NewBrush);
int x=7;
int y;
/* just hard coded values without respect of actual size */
/* ignore the upper half of the spectrum */
for( int i=0; i<16/* number of bins to display*/; ++i )
if( y<8 )
Rectangle(Plugin.hMemDC, x, y, x+16, 118);
x+=16; /* bar width*/
SelectObject(Plugin.hMemDC, hbrushOld);
DeleteObject (NewBrush) ;
..... // Blit all to hDC
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