I'm very pleased with the response to The Most Annoying Machine! I think the switches are on back-order from Farnell so there are probably a few people making their own :) Hackaday is a great blog and I read most of the entries so seeing another of my projects on it is very satisfying! http://hackaday.com/2015/02/16/the-annoying-machine/ The description by Brian Benchoff was great as well.
I will make a guide on how to make your own soon (maybe a couple of months). It is very simple as far as electronics go so don't feel the need to wait for me. The files for laser cutting a box are available but if you don't have access to one then I am sure you could get by without.
Just now the code is crude (I hacked it together in a evening or so). I will implement a proper sleep mode to conserve battery life soon. Additionally, someone on the hackaday blog pointed out the switch has a finite life so I will look into ways of minimising the number of pulses to reset the switch.
I'd like to get a case cut from metal too. I will be looking into that.
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