
Initial Thoughts

A project log for Hubsan X4 Replacement Frame

Love the product--fun, safe, cheap, easy to fly. The stock frame works and is light enough, but I want to make a few tweaks. For science.

zakqwyzakqwy 02/18/2015 at 20:150 Comments

As I mentioned in the description, I'm mostly looking to improve the motor mount system--I'm not a fan of two friction interfaces working against each other, especially when one can potentially cause damage to the motor leads. Last time I tried to pop off a broken prop (it happens a lot) and snapped a lead, I ended up ripping the whole thing apart, clipping off soldered-on motor leads and pretty much forcing myself down this fun path.

So--a few early thoughts:

Current state of affairs (I included one of GimbalBot's 8" CFRP props for scale):

I'll get CAD'n at some point, that should make this all a bit more clear. Bonus points for adding lightness I suppose, but the stock frame is pretty feathery as-is. I also need to study the existing X4 replacement world--I know tons of people have done this already and it's always good to have a starting point.


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