
Small update on pin connections...

A project log for Fiddling with the esp8266

A place to scribble down my notes when playing with the esp8266 wifi chip. Might be helpfull to others as well...

androidersAndroiders 02/23/2015 at 07:280 Comments

In my last post i wrote that i had some pins "floating" when i uploaded the new firmware. When i tried to upload nodemcu today that didn't work. So, following the isntructions on this page:, I connected GPIO0 to GND and GPIO2 to VCC when booting! Then, after boot, i disconnected GPIO2 (to floating) and uploaded firmware. I dont know if this is something with the blinky example that i hade burned or if i missed something i did the last time i wrote.

Anyways, it seems to work and it is time to test nodemcu :)
