
Apple TV

The first "real" and alive AppleTV

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I made an "AppleTV" out of an old Aplle CinemaHD 23" and Raspberry Pi, with Openelec and Plex-Addon

I had to convert the Apple-ADC Connector to HDMI, and add a small Sound Amplifier and IR-Remote... more description is coming

I tryed to "recycle" my Apple Cinema Display. which didn't had a Footstand since I got it. Neather had I an appropriate Mac to connect the Display to it. So at first I managed It to get the Display to work with DVI and external Power Source to run it on my normal Windows Computer. ( It's another Project and I will docemnt it if requested)

So i finally created a stand alone Plex Client aka the "AppleTV".

  • 1 × Apple Cinema HD 23" acrylic version Display with 1920x1200px
  • 1 × Raspberri Pi Raspberry PI Modell B
  • 1 × Wlan Stick CSL PI compatible 300Mb/s WLAN Stick
  • 1 × MINI 2x3W Amplifier PAM8403 2X3W Mini Audio Class D amplifier board 2.5-5V input For Arduino
  • 2 × Speakers 2 old Speakers from an old MacBook Pro

View all 11 components

  • I will make it shinier

    axellodyga02/20/2015 at 10:03 0 comments

    For some reasons i will do some improfements to the Project in the future, like the Powersource for Pi and AMP, and the Speakers dont sound that pretty. So there will be some more soldering and cutting . And I'll report of it..

    If you guys have any Ideas what could be done to improfe the project, like TV-Tuner and stuff, just recommend me some things and i will try to make it work!

  • It's alive

    axellodyga02/20/2015 at 09:07 0 comments

    It's already done. And I will docemnt what I've done so far. So you might be able to rebuild it

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1


    At first I dissasambled the Display to get rid of the back Metal cover.

    Sorry but i don't have any Pictures of these Steps

  • 2
    Step 2

    Cut the Wires

    So in the next Step i had to cut the Main Wire to connect it to the Standard Plugs and get it to work..

  • 3
    Step 3

    Rebuild Wiring

    Table for Wiring HDMI /DVI to ADC

    Then there is USB and Power, but i think the colors are standard, so I will not explain it here how to connect them.

    Connecting the USB is optional

    I didn't used the internal USB-HUB because its just an USB1.1 HUB.

    But for Powering the PI and the tiny amplifier I directly wired the powerlines of the PI to the USB Ports of the Display.

    One major Problem is the Powersource. :( the USB 1.1 standard causes the PI to reboot if there are to many USB devices connected to it, and i haven't found a proper Solution yet.

View all 7 instructions

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Freda Humes wrote 03/13/2024 at 11:35 point

That sounds like a fantastic DIY project! Repurposing an old Apple CinemaHD display into an Apple TV with a Raspberry Pi is both creative and resourceful. Converting the Apple ADC connector to HDMI must have been quite a task, but it's impressive that you were able to make it work. Adding a small sound amplifier and an IR remote sounds like great enhancements to the setup. I'm curious to hear more about your experience with it and the additional details you mentioned. And also i can sharing the URL  (, it seems to lead to a website related to modding applications, which could be an interesting complement to your DIY tech projects.

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axellodyga wrote 03/04/2015 at 11:13 point

i already have a media server, and although I have the codec license implemented.. For xbmc to be able to play everything...

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