
Modification for Pro-Mini (Clone)

A project log for The WaveShare 2.9" e-Paper Display

I bought one of these for about A$32. Pretty good once you debug the demo code!

agpcooperagp.cooper 02/19/2018 at 02:020 Comments

Pro-Mini CLone

I bought a Pro-Mini clone because I wanted low power (3.3v 8MHz) and a nice bolt-on PCB:

This board uses a USB-FTDI adapter. As want to use the E-Paper display and rationalise the wiring, I modified  epdif.h and epdif.ccp to repurpose MISO (as it is unused):

To do this I moved the pinMode definitions (in epdif.cpp) to after:

and remapped the #defines in epdif.h to:

Although the E-Paper module sees 4.75 volts while the USB-FTDI adapter is connected, in normal operation it will see 3.3 volts. It is a shame the FDTI voltage out is 5v even with the 3.3v switch selection. Checking the WaveShare website this seems to be okay short term. Here is my hookup:

So I have D0-7 and A0-7 free and all ready for low-power battery operation.

