I first tried to order the replacement PCB. On ordering, they informed me they no longer had any in stock, but I may order an equivalent, except I would need to replace the BIOS chip. Hm. So I need to do some more research.
My friend Nicole managed to snap off the connector on her external HD, and now needs to recover the 1TB of data.
Also, SATA equivalent is M8_REV.07 100720903 . But you would still need to transfer that chip .
Also, when it broke, did your friend drop it or some other physical shock ? In the event heads got damaged or suffered sticktion to the platters, it may present more problems after the board part is solved.
Also, if you have the necessary equipment to cobble something together to read the flash chip , sometimes it is possible to read the chip from one board and reprogram the other without dessoldering them. Results may vary, depending on how the circuit of the board is implemented. Same as writing to BIOS flash chips on motherboards, where on some it is possible, and on others it fails.