
Rev 03

A project log for PIXI Analog Shield

An Arduino Shield using the Maxim MAX11300 for 20 Programmable Mixed-Signal I/O with 12-Bit ADC, 12-Bit DAC, Analog Switches, and GPIO

magicwolfiMagicWolfi 03/27/2015 at 03:510 Comments

The next revision of the board is ordered and it is Rev 03, not Rev 02 as usual. This time the design is done in Eagle and the board house of choice is really cheap and dirty (here). We'll see how the quality turns out. Design files will be released when the board turns out error free and I found the time learn how to speak github or so.

Now the question is, what to do in the ~3 weeks until the boards arrive. Get some programming done or start a new project? I don't have a good idea for the Hackaday price 2015 yet.

PS: Rev 02 was a board with all known issues fixed done in KiCAD, which never made it to a board house.
