Today I fixed the damaged I/O board and I am happy to announce the CBS6000 is alive and rEAdY!
First a bit of background. I built this computer back in 2014 while I was in college. Back then I took great interest in retro computing especially Commodore 64 computers. Some of these computers did not work, so they would be repaired or scrapped for parts. I had a spare 6510 CPU, two 6526 CIA's and assorted logic IC's. Combined with parts I could salvage from the dumpster at the college electronics lab I could make this microcomputer.

The computer consists of a CPU board and an I/O board. The CPU board is a self contained microcomputer and can work without the I/O board attached. At some point the I/O board stopped working, preventing the CPU board to work whenever it was attached. For a few years this computer has been sitting on a shelf collecting dust due to an unknown fault in the wiring somewhere. Today I finally managed to pinpoint the fault to a single ground wire that had melted and become open circuit. I replaced it along with some of the other ground wiring for good measure. This solved the issue!
I intend to tidy up the backplane, revise the power routing and perhaps develop peripherals for this computer. It is a miracle this thing works in the first place with the ratsnest wiring. I am glad I was able to restore it!
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