
PCB (almost) fully assembled

A project log for ElbSupply - Simple linear bench supply

This project aims at building a rather simple yet useful bench power supply for everyday tinkering.

eliaElia 04/11/2015 at 10:280 Comments

Coming back to Dresden after the Easter holidays I finally found the OSHpark PCBs in my mail box.

I now have the PCB almost fully assembled (I can't populate C10 because of clearance issues with the aluminium case) and now I am waiting for the 24V 3A power supply to arrive so that I can power up the board. The assembly has been a bit tricky at times because some components were very close together.

I have uploaded two images showing the Rev A board assembled and mounted on the case. Please excuse the somewhat crude soldering, this was my first time soldering after about 6 months without having even a basic lab setup. I also have to clean the boards with some isopropyl alcohol but I wanted to upload some images and give a quick update to show that the project is still alive ;)
