
August Progress report

A project log for Speeduino

The Arduino ECU / EMS Project. Open, cheap, hacker friendly engine management

josh-stewartJosh Stewart 09/01/2015 at 00:550 Comments

Another month gone already! Firstly a huge thanks and congratulations to the various people who got Speeduino up and running in August! Amongst other things, Speeduino ran its first V6 engine, which was great to see as it's not something I have the facilities to test with at the moment.

August has been almost exclusively focussed on testing and a lot of bug fixing. That said, there has been a few new features added and I've done some code restructuring to allow for some of the upcoming features. Without further ado, here's a description of what's been done in the last month:

That doesn't really sound like huge progress I know, but some of those bugs took a lot of time to track down. With confidence I can again say that this months monthly code drop is more reliable than last months, so that's progress in my books.

As always, this monthly code drop can be found at: ... g_Firmware
