
December Progress report

A project log for Speeduino

The Arduino ECU / EMS Project. Open, cheap, hacker friendly engine management

josh-stewartJosh Stewart 12/29/2015 at 03:350 Comments

To make up for getting last months code drop in a few days late, this one is coming in a few days early

Another month down and another solid period of testing and improvement. I know a lot of this stuff isn't particularly sexy, no huge new features or anything, but I can say without a doubt that the things are running much smoother than last month, particularly at idle. Real world testing and bug fixing takes a long time, but its the only way to find some issues

So, here's the shortlist of all the fun changes:

As always, the code bundle can be found at: ... g_Firmware

Given its the end of the year, I couldn't help myself but reminisce about just how far Speeduino has come in the last 12 months. This time last year there was only incredibly basic multi cylinder support (4 cyl only), no decoders, no idle control, no temperature compensation, no rev limiter, maps were only 8x8 etc. It really amazes me how far things have come in 2015. Here's to 2016 and another huge year!


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