Well, the last few weeks have been spent in a down-to-earth kind of way: getting all the parts ready for a run of kits. And finding out that the logistics of making a kit in larger numbers are, errr, nontrivial.
All the documentation, design files and software can now be downloaded from here. The software and manual are not in their final form yet, but should be OK for a first test drive. Note that the PiDP software does not require the physical front panel to be present. It should run on any Pi.
Meanwhile, a snapshot from the factory floor, some assembled kits for testing:
A few weeks of hard physical labor and the first run of kits should all be packed up and sent out. But - as a Wise Man told me before I started - doing a kit this way is pretty hard work. Not something you should do regularly. When the Wise Man told me, I knew he was right. Now it's different. I feel he is right... I'll do one more run of kits in September, then I have to look for other ways to make them. If there is still demand, that is!
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