
Major Software Update

A project log for PiDP-8/I

Remaking the PDP-8/I using the Pi, simh & a replica front panel

oscarvOscarv 05/12/2017 at 23:360 Comments

Well, it's been a year since the last PiDP-8 update. A new software version, in a proper repository, has been set up by Warren. Many thanks not only for that effort, but also for extending the software quite a bit, including Ian's fab lamp emulator. Lamp emulator? Yes. The PiDP has LEDs but the real PDP-8/I had lamps. Lamps glow, but LEDs flicker. If you want, now the PiDP has glowing LEDs.

The repository is here: PiDP-8 repository

Download the latest ready-to-run SD card image here: SD boot image

Any feedback is welcomed at the PiDP forum: PiDP-8 forum

Thanks Warren, and all others who have contributed!
