
Toddler Button Box

A box bristling with buttons unabashedly begging to be bashed.

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I wanted my daughter to play WOW with me, but being just 2, keyboard controls were a bit beyond her. Colored buttons however were her forte! Using a Sparkfun Pro Micro Arduino and a collection of colorful arcade buttons I made an HID keyboard to color code our Pandaren Monk's attacks and we had a blast! This was an EXPLOSIVE learning opportunity for me! Introducing myself to skillsets I never knew I had. Custom PCB design in Eagle and fabrication (OSH Park Rocks!) were something I've never heard of or tried. I chickened out at getting an acrylic case fabbed through and instead opted for a TupperWare container, drilled a few holes in and Viola!
All source files were lost in a heinous hard drive crash.

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Øystein wrote 02/25/2015 at 23:30 point

Elegant solution witht that custom pcb!

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