
End effector tweaks.

A project log for Arcus-3D-P1 - Pick and Place for 3D printers

Open source, mostly 3D printable, lightweight pick and place head for a standard groove mount

masterofnullMasterOfNull 09/13/2018 at 22:160 Comments

I've been slamming the P1 head into the bed on a regular basis while I work on implementing motion.  Unfortunately I need the vision on the head for some things, so not a lot of choice here.

This has had the maddening tendency to throw off the leveling when the impact is off center.  My leveling screws only have so much pull before the cable slips.  Probably a good thing, or I would definitely be breaking stuff as I've turned the stepper current back up a bit.  I needed to.  At the edges of the build area with the head attached, I was starting to lose steps during > 400mm/sec rapids due to the increased mass.

To this end, I've relocated the leveling screws to the side of the end effector, where I can get at them while the head is still attached.  

I also lowered the gimbal hinge point and raised the virtual pulley.  The closer they are to planar, the better.  And... while I was at it I made a switch to enable/disable the blower mount/add a cable run for the Pi camera ribbon cable

Printing, but this is a long one.  Need a small nozzle and low layer height to get the virtual pulleys to be smooth and accurate (and my first print failed on the hinge in the last 5 min)  ARGH.
