
Happy accident?

A project log for Arcus-3D-P1 - Pick and Place for 3D printers

Open source, mostly 3D printable, lightweight pick and place head for a standard groove mount

masterofnullMasterOfNull 02/18/2018 at 06:370 Comments

Dropped the head today, on carpet.

I think the mirror broke so easily due to my haste in cleaning up the edges.  I'll do a better job next time.

I'll be reprinting the arm as removing the mirrors is probably impossible without damage.  So I made a couple changes.

I noticed in my camera view the areas past the edges of the mirror could be pretty distracting, so I decided to mask it.  This probably won't matter for OpenPnP as it does this in software for vision, but humans will be looking at it too and it may reduce glare from other light sources as well.  I already had the beam path as a pyramid, so this was relatively easy.

I also realized that the only thing limiting it now from rotating larger parts was the width of the arm.  Previously the first mirror would interfere first.  So I changed the arm geometry to be wider in the middle and I can now clear parts up to 25mm, as long as they are lower profile.

The bent elbow shape isn't as strong/rigid as the straight path, so I made the arms a little thicker as well which increased the weight to 4 grams.

So does that make this a happy accident?  I'll take it..

New arm is printing now.

Need to make new mirrors too.

Edit: Printed.  

The bridge portion of the mask I added had some nozzle width lines spanning to keep the aperture square and they were a PITA to clean up due to the small size.  It might be simpler to make this a second part attaching to the mirror.
