
Keep away from open flame.

A project log for Arcus-3D-P1 - Pick and Place for 3D printers

Open source, mostly 3D printable, lightweight pick and place head for a standard groove mount

masterofnullMasterOfNull 09/06/2018 at 22:570 Comments

I was mounting the head and putting on a bit of heat-shrink when I got too close to one of the lines.  Oops.

So much for seeing if it would stay calibrated when I moved it to the Makerspace tonight.

A little bit of code, an hour drive, and now replacing a line are what stand between me and a video for you all.

EDIT: Ok.. a little more than a little bit of code.  My digital pins within Machinekit are not cooperating, so I can't control the mirror or light from within Openpnp.  Ah well.  

Recorded where I'm at anyway.


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